The First Eastern luars ; murder of Philip.
away, and so is Darius pryuecle of his tribute.' And [when]
thir messengers herd thir wordes ; thay hade grete wounder of
tham & of the witt & the wisedome of Alexander.
In the mene tyme tythynge3 come to kyng Philippe, that Ermonye, 4
the whilke bi-fore was suget un-till hym, was rebelle & raysse
agaynes hym. And he garte * semble a grete Oste, and sent
Alexander thedir thare wit to feghte wit tham, and to putt tham
agayne under his subieccionn. Alexander than went wit this Oste 8
till Ermony & broghte it agayne in subieccion, as it was bi-fore.
An in the mene tyme, whils he was thare, a lorde of Macedoyne
the whilke highte Pansamy, a strange man & a balde, suget un-to
Philippe, and hade of lange tyme covette for to hafe the quene 12
Olympias, conspirede agaynes the kynge, and come with a grete
multytude of folke appon the kynge, to for-do hym. And when
tythynge3 here of come to kyng Philippe, he went to mete hym in
the felde wit a fewe men3ee. And when he sawe the grete multi- 16
tude that Pansamy hade wit hym, he turned & fledd, and Pansamy
persued after hym, and overhied hym, and strake hym thurghe
wit a spere, and 3itt ife all he were grevosely wonded, he dyed
no3te alsone, bot he laye halfe dede in the waye. And than 20
the Macedoynes, that wenede he hade bene dede, made mekill
sorowe. And when this iowrnee was done Pansamy was gretly
empridede thare offe, & went in to the kynges palace for to
take the qwene Olympias oute of it and hafe hir with hym. 24
And even the same tyme, Alexander come fra Hermony, &
sawe^1 swylke trouble & styrrynge in the rewme, and hyed hym
faste towarde the kynges palace, and when Olympias herd
telle that Alexander hir son had the victorye of his enemys, 28
& was comande nere, Scho went furthe of the palace at a prevee
posterne to mete hir son, and to welcome hym hame. And
alsone als scho come nere hym, scho criede appon hym & said.
'A A, my son Alexander, whare es the grace & the fortune 32
that oure goddes highte the, that es to say, that thou scholde
alwaye overcome thynn enemys & no3te be overcomen, that
Pansamy hase one this wyse slaen thi Fader.' And alsone the
worde come to Pansamy that Alexander was comen, and he 36
went furthe of palace for to mete hym. And also faste als
Alexander sawe hym, he oute wit a swerd and clafe his heued
^ MS. blotted at sawe.
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