Treatise on music theory relating the musical modes, or maqams (مقامات), to the Prophets, signs of the zodiac, hours of the day, etc. by Abū Ṣāliḥ al-Sayyid Aḥmad al-Rifā‘ī ibn ‘Abd al-Raḥmān, given the laqab al-Musallam al-Mawṣlī (أبو صالح السيّد الرفاعي الملقّب بالمسلم الموصلي ابن عبد الرحمن, d. 1737; see f. 3r, lines 6-7). The text is a commentary on a Persian treatise on music theory by ‘Abd al-Mu’min al-Balkhī (عبد المؤمن البلخي; see f. 3r, line 9).
The treatise is followed by an anonymous poem (f. 10r-10v) relating the modes, or maqams (مقامات), to the hours, planets, days of the week, spheres, signs of the zodiac and the temperaments.