Eli Knapp

Letter dated May 27, 1855, written by Eli Knapp to his wife, Mabel, no address. One folded sheet of four closely-written pages. *** Please note that historical materials in the Gold Rush Collections may include viewpoints and values that are not consistent with the values of the California State Library or the State of California and may be considered offensive. Materials must be viewed in the context of the relevant time period but views are in no way endorsed by the State Library. The California State Library’s mission is to provide credible information services to all Californians and, as such, the content of historical materials should be transcribed as it appears in the original document.




Clear Lake Nappa [Napa] Co [County] Cal [California] May 27, 1855

Dear Mabel, I Left Grays valley for the purpose of viewing on May the 8th went on foot to Marvesville [Marysville] at which place I Bought a Mule Saddle & Bridle & rope Called here Lassoo or Lariet for Stakeing [staking] our animals in this Country and Some Provisions Necessary, Thense followed down the Struck across the valley. West to a Seaport town on the Sacramento River (Collousa) [Colusa] Whare [Whre] A Mr Stewart incited by My Rig Enquired my whereabouts with whom a Mr Gawlens & Mr Handy I accoumpanied to this place, Mr. H has Located in Co with myself they returned on fr last for their Stock & Some Provisions. We Intend to raise or make a Garden and plant Corn & Potatoes suffitvent [sufficent] for Our own use this season. the Seed for which I procured Yesterday. Theese [these] Claims ware [were] first located last faul [fall] a cabin built on It and left hense. It is jumpabbe You can See this is an Interior place firs [for] Settlers came in last Summer A School will commense [commence] in this neighborhood tomorrow of some 15 Schollars [scholars] also one is in progress on Big Valley at the Mouth of the Lake by & by another at Scott flat neer [near] the Middle of the Lake

So by & by this will be a New County. Groceries are packed from Collousa [Colusa] & 50 miles, & Wagoned from Nappa [Napa] City Some 75, thare [there] are 6 families in this neighbourhood & Back farm annumerable My bald friend Rawbens of 64 Years has crossed the Plains with a mule teem [team] he now owns 3 times who with his family will be my nearest Neighbor Soon

Ask Pap Grant if he is to [too] bald to sell at a Sacrafise [sacrifice] travel with the Show of makeing [making] $10000000 & an easy liveing [living] for Life. Now dear Mabel I must the plain in this. Woman here whose hustbands [husbands] have been absent

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from them Say they need not ask what my Wife writes. But (Home) what is It. A wife & Children dearer to me that Life itself Kind relative & friends But a Soil & climat [climate] I Sincerely fer. If I ware [were] sick I would greet my family without delay neaver [never] to Leave them morse but as it is I am well Satisfied that with nothing to commense [commence] with with the blessing of Heaven in ten Years I can make ten thousand dollars, how I'll tell, by accquantance [acquaintance] or recommend I can get 1 or 100 cows by raising their values this I am after my part met will bring on his return 12 Sows of his own perhaps take some at halves. Tell Elliott and Horace they think they Imitate cold times Hearding [herding] but if cold Saul & Saved much more a Californian Should See them in their Garb they should not ) but Pity them I called on a poor renter whose house chanse was this he had taken 400 cows for 4 years then he has 1/5 of the bald and new 'Stock' a few miles above this 1 man has 3700 Cattle the latter is Supoased [supposed] to have been made Sinse [since] Goald [Gold] was found some 1/2 million principally in cattle. Thare [there] are some 200 hogs n ow on my place their rooting would not hurt my feelings if owned or rented them. So anough [enough] on this I feel quere [queer] to Step out of my Cabin Because I cant walk without treading on Cloaver [Clover] and Cats equal in quantity to any. I have caves Cultivated my range is preserable to any I have seen we have some 300 acres of valley Low hills that will not be taken probably in our day. Garden Sauce View is abundent among thrifty farmers I have had beets as large as my rist [wrist] It is consceded Green Sauce can be had constant by care

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My nerest [nearest] neighbor Mr Music killed 17 Grislaes [grizzlies] Last winter and toald [told] me he had not failed to get game over 5 or 6 times sinse [since] he has been here my Neighbors have hanging by their doors from 1 to 6 Deer each Myself excepted as I have only the half of 1 left Me by my Sacramento ramblers Now a fish story on a stream in Big Valley, Lassen County, California whare [where] we camped I went to get water and found the gravel Literally covered with dead Herrin [Herring] which made me think of the Isrartilish [Israelitish] Camp that is of their camp was equally offensive the jews ware [were] to be pitied Now with what I have seen & what is toald [told] me I am sure in 1 week 4 men can catch Suffitient to fill all the waggons [wagons] in Windsor at this this place Some of our horses strayed on the search I run in an Indian City pop some 1500. I saw 1 Indian with a Scoop net take 2 bushel in 30 minute as an experiment I rooled [rolled] up my sleeves and picked up 1 which did not stur [stir] untin [until] I began to squerse [squeeze] him Now, You see my drift, At a proper time after Indian difficulties are settled I want my family here I want Your fathers family here Mother Knapp Elliott & horace [Horace] and all good neighbors in your last you expressed fers [fears] of costs incuring poverty when you should det [get] here but a wilingness to goe [go] west thare [there] would be a gain in that in getting land (only) but count on $500 worth of Stock to Iowa or to cal and then see if we are empoverishd [impoverished] the current in Cal|California for farming is Clear Lake but the chances will be inviting for many Years My Health is good My respects to Brother Alaxanher and Lady tell them I have my Eye on a Farm for them

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my opertunities [opportunities] of sending to Nappa [Napa] or collousa [Colusa] will be by people going out so take no concern thare [there] has been a Petition for an office here,.

My farm borders on the lake East we clain [claim] the U valley west entire front witth some 200 rods Low hills west & south without bounds the range of which I am now monarch will be suffitient for manny [many] thousand head of Cattle and Hoarses [horses] Mr Elliott Keeps 100 head of breeding mares this is stock growing consequence tell children I have got a spoted [spotted] watch puppy that will stay all day to the Cabbin and and watch and will sleep out with my little Mule if i want him to whose back is about as high as Ellies Head and who will let children ride him as well as any boddy [anybody]

now Ill show the other (Side) on fr last my Co in Co with Mr Music as patron road over this & Mr Rawlenses Lott early in the Morning returned to Camp satisfied to look no further Mr R being the oaldest [oldest] man I gave him a choice agreeably he took the North Lat.. left the same in my care until his return friday afternoon a lackey of Mr Elliotts or tenant Heardsman professed ignorance & entered on my lot took rails which I had purchased built a Pen or Yard for hearding.. Now says he shall sustain a prefference [preference] a matter I am Sorry to have taken place I have talked with the most of my Neighbrs and even his 1/2 brother all of which tell me to pay no attention to him as they Claim him a speculator now dont let this dsturb [disturb] you.. A Small Streamer will soon run from here to the mouth of the Lake in lumber business the Scenery from my Cabbin [cabin] is not surpassed in nature,, the Lake E. 2 miles wide a Small Streamer may land 10 rods from my door my valley off in short mr R Says a man that will grumble here would grumble to be hanged in looking E. we have a Constant view of Large birds the Sandhill Crain [Crane] Pelican &c. [etc.]. I did intend to put a $10 in this as in my last but If you cannot get along write and I will do in my power we intend to get some Cows and goe [go] to makeing [making] Cheese if we survive a hoap [hope] for better Digings on Deck than I have long Sinse [since] been accustomed to I will try and write often Mr H will remail yours by order. I trust I have your Cooperation my valley will cut to average 2 tons of as profitable hay as earer (wees) cultivated

I have written bad on bad paper, which i have carried some 150 i have written what i know tell Eliott Ho & Pafe if they think i have wrote wrong to come and give me a whiping [whippimg] fore it & ill [I'll] be bound they will not want to goe [go] to reaseing [raising] oats for the sake of feedind [feeding] –

[writtne sideways left-hand margin] whare [where] thare [there] is no necessity of of either to Jre Knapp Eli Knapp

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