Jerubial Gideon Dorman

Letter is written to his brother, Peter Dorman, from Weber's Creek. Describes life among gold miners. **Please note that historical materials in the Gold Rush Collections may include viewpoints and values that are not consistent with the values of the California State Library or the State of California and may be considered offensive. Materials must be viewed in the context of the relevant time period but views are in no way endorsed by the State Library. The California State Library’s mission is to provide credible information services to all Californians and, as such, the content of historical materials should be transcribed as it appears in the original document.




Weber's Creak Weber Creek New Years day 1850

Dieane Brother

I availe [avail] My Selfe [myself] of this rainy day to imforme [inform] you that I am Well at presant [present] and hope you all Enjoy the Same blessing. I have been in the mines Since the 1st of Aug Aparte [a part] of the time I have been Sick and A prospecting but the Most of the time hard at Work I am Now cituated [situated] near the mouth of this Creak [creek] in a log cabin five rounds high the Logs is of young pine and Such as 2 men can pack with a cotton Tent for the roof We are Serounded [surrounded] by high and red hills or Mts With Some pine or oak Growing upon them and others is covered with Green wood Some of brush which is about the hith [height] of a mans head this the Creake [creek] is roaling [rolling] its niley waters within ten yards of our doore [door] and afording [affording] about as Much as Eagel in a Corner on stage last Summer it was Entirley [entirely] dry the rainey [rainy] Season Set in the 1st of Nov and We have had it wet and Muddy ever Since ocasionley [occasionally] we have a weake [weak] of Clear Weather from the cill [chill] of our humbel [humble] littel domicel [domicile] commences ascending a Mountain from the top of of Which we Can See the Smord Caped [snowcapped] Sara Noveda [Sierra Nevada] and the Cost [Coast] rainge [Range] to the west all So [also] the Sacramento Valley which formes [forms] the Most beautiful Cean [scene] that you could immagen [imagine] We have had No Snow heare [here] and the Grass is Growing finley [finely] but about 15 miles East they have Snow a plenty the Weather heare [here] is regulated by the Mts [mountains]

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Now for boald [bold] Stories When we firse [first] Commenced Mining we averaged about an oz per day but Soon went in Serch [search] of better Diggens but failed to fiend [find] them on an average I have often worked harde [hard] and Not Made $3.00 Per day and I on one day Made over one hundred I knew of one man taken on $16,000 dollars from one Crivis [crevice] and I See one man Get a Lump that he Sold for $1150 Dollars This was in the neare [near] George Town [Georgetown] Neare [near] the Same place My Self [myself] and partner worked 2 Months during Which time we Made 1,000 dollars and Eight hundred of Which we Made in 10 days and within one Mile of the Same place thar [there] is More than 1000 Men half of them is Not Making there [their] Board We Get Goald [gold] by the hardest in the Gulches or What is called the dry diggins We have lead the water of in troves [troughs] or diches [ditches] then dig through Mud and Water pry and roal [roll] at the Big Stoans [stones] untill [until] we Get to the Bed rock in which the Gold is Loged [lodged] the Bar or river diggens is Simmeler [similar] to the Bar at the Swift rippel [ripple] but rocks larger the Gold is fien [fine] and Settled all through the dirt through The Slate rainges [ranges] Gold is found in all of the rivers through the Granite ranges it is only found on the rivers

Through the rainey [rainy] Season Miners will do well To Make there Board they have to pay from 75 cts [cents] $300.00 pr pound for flower [flour] porke [pork] $100 and 125 and as high as $300 Dried Appels [apples] $125 pr Lb in Shorte [short] We Eate [eat] Nothing that costs Less than

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than one Dollar pr Lb only we hill a Dieane ocasionely [occasionally] The gold will Never all be taken from this country but has all ready past for a man to be Sure of a fortune and close at hand when five Dollars pr [per] day will be Good wages Thousands of men and Sadley Disapointed [disappointed] and returning home While others are doing well

Dieare Brother I want you with out faile [fail] to have a ceane of out parents if they are a living knowing there is ability to Get a long I want you to Lay in Shugar [sugar] Coffee Rice and Such Groceries and Clothing as they Nead See that they have a plenty lay in a Suply [supply] for 3 months at a time and Send an order to Brother Archa for the amount if you advance any Money I will pay interest on it until you Get it which you by Sending an order to A B if you onley [only] See that they are provided for it will be a pleaure to me to pay the Expence [expense] have them to Send Little Mathew to School all they can at my Expence [expense] So I request this of you I know you have time to do it I know all So [also] that Samuel does not See to his one Affares [affairs] properley Write to me Either to Coloma or Sacramento City I have onley [only] recd [received] 2 Letters Sence I have been inthe Country Give My Respects to Father & Mother and all of the familey [family] all so [also] to all Enquiering [enquiring] friends if any and recieve the Same to your Self [yourself] and familey [family] I Remain your as Ever

J. G. Dorman

NB Remember me to Baf and Walker if Marred [married]

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I have two partners at presant [present] both By the Name of Rogers but to Kind [kin] one of them is an old Steam Boatman the other is A Lawyer the foure Noon we all Spent in patching our cloths [clothes] we had a Smoking Pot Ry Made of venison and Quails for diner [dinner] We all observe the Sabeth [Sabath] by Washing our Cloths [clothes] or hunting

We will not be abel [able] to make any thing this winter for When it is not Raining the water is two high and Such days as we can Worke [work] we have to put up with Congressmans wagers I have a World of Stories to tell When I comb but what I Write you may never get J. G. D.

Peter Dorman Esq Warsaw Gallatin Co KY

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