



Status: Indexed

etcetera. It is fine [underlined] that you got on so well with
the language. I hope it will help you advance
in every way. Of course we are devoured
with curiosity to know where you were
going - & fear [underlined] it is towards the front ---

Colonel & Mrs. Stanford with whom I
had lunch yesterday read me extracts
from a letter from their [underlined] son also Colonel
who is in Artillary -- He had
been in the front lines for two months
& it was intensely interesting. Said he had
to smile at the equipment they started
out with --- they ended appearently [apparently] without
even a change of sert. & said they had
just got back after two nights of wading
in mud & rain to rest fields --- Where
the next luxury they might hope for
was a "de-lousing" machine"!! We
then read them parts of your letter & they
too were intensely interested --- Col. said
when you said "I have been behaving
myself --- but can't explain my transfer

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