Transcription exercise

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m 4 (2a)
Needs Review

m 4 (2a)

Far left, top roundel (green line): Beymu[n]d[us]

Far left, second roundel (green line): frdega rius.

Far left, third roundel (green line): frigewyn[us]

Left, upper roundel (red line): Sadoch.

Left, second roundel (red line): Sellu[m].

Left, third roundel (red line): Helchi as.

Left, fourth roundel (red line): Azari as.

Left, fifth roundel (red line): Saraias

Right, top roundel: Eliezer.

Right, second roundel: Jhesu.

Right, third roundel: Her.

Right, fourth roundel: Helma dan

Roundels in text block (upper sequence): Left: Sopho nias Middle: Jere mias. Right: Olda.

Roundels in text block (second sequence): Left: Baruch Right: Vrias.

Roundels in text block (bottom): Ezechi el.

Ezechie the son of achaz kyng of Juda he opened the tempel and restored it. the preestis did har sacrifice. ¶ he drue downe the brasyn edder that moyses had raised. to whom the childer of israel vn to that tyme put encense. And after the blasfemie of senacherib and rapsaces that had nerehand destroied al Juda he receuid of god atokne of thre yere by ysai the p[ro]phet. and after that tyme whan senacherib came ageyn; god toke vengeaunce of hys peply by an aungel in a nyght of ninescore and fiue thousant. and har lord stale awai with ten men. Herefore ezechie thanked not god hertely. wherfore god smote hym with sikenesse. and wold not truste to the p[ro]phetis wurdes. but he had atokene. And the sunne turned ageyn in hevene the space of ten oures of a daie. ¶ After Merodach baladan kyng of babilon herd how ezechie was recouered of his sekenisse and sent hym by hys men greet giftes. and ezechie shewid ham al the priuitees of hys house. wherfore he was greetli reproued of ysai the p[ro]phet. and after died in pees and laft hys son Ma nasses kyng.

Manasses kyng of Juda destroied al that hys fader made that p[er]teyned to the wirshippe of god. He fulfilled the stre tes of Jerusalem with blood of p[ro]phetis. He sawed ysai the p[ro]phet atwo with a sawe of a tre. Al maner of cursednesse he vsed. and afore hys ende dide penaunce. gate mercy of god. and wrought many gode dedis. and made ablessid ende. ¶ Here se the greet merci and godenisse of god. He laft hys son Amon kyng.

Iosias kyng of Juda wrought al thynges wel. whan the preest helchie had foun de in the tempel the deutronomie the lawe as moyses gafe it; the kyng herd it radde by saphan the scribe. he rent hys clothes and made greet sorwe and said. lord god let never these curses come upon ous. He cut downe wodes. brend ydoles. destroied al maumetre in Juda and in goddis peple. brend baal is preestis bones. and the auters with the templis. and houses that salomon made for ydolatri. ¶ there was neuer no suche kyng after dauid as he was. and herfore he had an answere of god by Olda the p[ro]phetisse; that destruccion of the lond and of hys peple shuld not be in his daies. ¶ He made agreet pasche in ierusalem. ther was neuer kyng in Juda ne in israel that ony tyme made so greet offryng. ¶ In tho daies pharao nechao kyng of egipt came to fight with the kyng of assirie. and Josias went ageyns hym there as he had no nede. and whan he was praid to leue he wold not. wherfore archeris ful upon hym in ma geddo and there he was deed vounded and caried in to ierusalem and buried with the grettest sorwe of the peple that myght be. ¶ Jeremie the p[ro]phet was in hys daies and long after. The peple made Joachaz kyng of Juda after Josias hys fader.

Ezechiel the p[ro]phet in the sixe and twenti yere after the transmigracion p[ro]phecied beside the riuer of Chober. He p[ro]phecied to the kynrad of dan and gad. and seide thei shuld neuer come home ageyn. wherfore thei drue hym with hors ouer sherp rockes and stones and brayned hym. and he was buried in the feeld of maulim in the sepulcre of sem.

Last edit over 3 years ago by KHindley
m 4 (3c)
Needs Review

m 4 (3c)

Upper roundel: Guthelinus

Middle roundel: Sisilli us

Lower roundel: Kynmaur[us]

Gurgunt whan he had shayne the kyng of denmarke and brought the londe to sub ireccion; as he come homeward he found thretti sippis ful of peple. and sent ham to in habite the londe of Irelonde. and made ham tributaries to hym.

Gwitelen regned after hys fader. and gouerned the londe wel. He weddid awife a woman of greet wisedome. she made lawes that men called the marchel lawes. and he died and lieth in newe troye.

Sisillie regned after hys fader. and with gode counseil of hys moder he rewled wel the londe. and is buried at newe troye.

Kymar was kyng after hys fader and regned in pece. He rewled hys londe wel. and he is buried at abyngdon.

Last edit over 3 years ago by KHindley
m 4 (4b)
Needs Review

m 4 (4b)

he bed falseli. god spake not to hym. In to egipt thei went with wi[m]men and childer and al har gode. and had with ham Jeremie and Baruch. and the lond aboute ierusalem lai desolate many daies. In egipt Jeremie was stoned of hys awne peple to deth. and al that Jeremie had seide; fel upon the peple in egipt. ¶ This nabugodonosor enhaunsed with pride; was put out of hys kyngdom seuen yere. and the lond was gouerned by iuges in the mene tyme. He was with beestis and ete hei as an oxe. Su[m]me sey that daniel bi praier turned the seuen yere in to seuen monethes. After hys turnyng he was i[n] hys kyngdom gretter than euer he was. and laft nabugodonosor hys son kyng and died.

Last edit over 3 years ago by KHindley
m 3 (4b)
Needs Review

m 3 (4b)

left margin red, gold, blue block. Kynges of Juda [HoboamVII]? [Abia]? Asa

Kynges of Israel Jeroboam [...]? Nadab Baasa Hela. [Jehen rhien]? [...?] [...?]

[ornate red motif, blue cap. letter] Jeroboam was the first kyng of the ten tribus. he made two calves of gold and put on[e] in bethel. an anoder in dan. Whan he was reproved of god. hys hand was drye. and efte heled ageyn by [...?] the p[ro]phet. [text unclear, background research suggests Ahijah was the name of the prophet] He laft not hys shrewde wais but lyved in idolatry and in synne. his wife was warned by the p[ro]phet [....?] of the deth of hyr son. and of the desolacion of hyr housbandis house. how it was forsake of god. and smote hym with sorwe and nought liel. Wherefore he died. [ornate blue motif, black cap. letter] Nadab the son of Jeroboam walked al hys tyme in hys .fader cursednisse. and at the seege of [...eton?] a citi of the philisteis [?]. ...[?] the son of ....[?] of the kynrad of Ysathar[?] lai in await of Padad and slue hym. [ornate red motif, blue cap. letter] Baasa was reproved of Jehn the p[ro]phet whan he bildid Fama[?] ageyus[?] ...[?] kyng of Juda. but he was let of his bildyng by Benadab kyng of Sirie. and after died. [ornate motif blue, cap. letter gold] Hela Whan he was drunke.- Was slayn of [....?] and [.....?] was brend and the house with hym in [Thersa?] by amer [ornate red motif, cap. letter blue] Auret Aryved with [Thevin?] thre yere o.[?] he regned. he was [.... .....] and wrought greet sorwe[?]. he bildid Samaria and called it Somer

Last edit over 3 years ago by Marcellamharris
m 2 (3a)
Needs Review

m 2 (3a)

wide left margin continues bloodline [blue] [Stermo..?] -- Steph. [red] [P..ines] [Abisne?] [Ornate blue motif containing gold capital] Of eleazar wer the preestis the which ben put in this lyne o the left hand descendyng- Un to the tyme of after the order and by rowe of the Kynges. Juges. and p[ro]phetis. [Ornate penwork, in blue ink capital letter] After the deth of Josue afore Othomel su[m]me sai that the dede befelle of the ydolt of ....[?] and of the dekenys? wife. [Ornate blue motif, gold letter]Othomel gate astrenght that was callid cariathsepher. Wherefore he had Rlya? and she praid of hyr fadir to have the wete feeld after the drye. [Ornate red motif, blue cap. letter] Ayoth was a fighter with bothe handes. He slue Eglon and delyvered Isreal fro thraldom. [Ornate blue motif, black cap. letter] Sangar slue fore[?] hundred men with afhere of [...?]. and delyvered Israel fro subjeccion. [ornate red motif, blue cap. letter] Delbora was wife to Barack o .....[?] and [and repeated here and crossed through] delyvered Isreal fro sore oppression of Javin [abb?] Kyng. whos prince of werres was Cisara [?]. This Cisara flie fro the batell and came to the house of [Aber cinei?]. whos wife syght Jahel. Jahel sawe hym comyng and had hym in to hyr tabernavel. And Cisara was sore athruste and asked water. She toke hym milk. And anone Cisara slept. While he slept [...?] toke alonge naile in the lift hand and an hamer in the right hand and drove the naile thurgh the brayn and fastned it to the ground. Bi delbora Kyng Javin was slayn. And than she made along

Last edit over 3 years ago by Marcellamharris
m 2 (3b)
Needs Review

m 2 (3b)

[At the top right of the page, beside the main text, is the continuation of a sentence from the preceding image of the manuscript. It says: and Abo [above] hundred and fifty with hym.]

[Main text follows:]

an so of leuy. Wherfore the erth opened and deuoured ham [ie ‘them’]. and clo sed fast after .

Nadab ['N' is two lines deep, in gold] and Abin the sones of aaron wer brende with fire that came fro god by vengeann ce in desert. therfore no more of ham here.

Iosue ['I' is two lines deep, in blue] succeded to moyses in ledyng of the childer of israel. and sende Abo messagers out of sichi[m] Shittim [?] to se the cuntri of jeri cho. And whan the kyng of Jericho had aspied ham he wold have slayn ham. ne had Raab Rahab the woman holpe ham . and by hyr thei escaped. ¶ [Gold pilcrow] Josue Joshua with the arke of god and al the peple pas- sed over the water of jordan. and the water by the heigher side stode stille. Thei toke twelf drie [?] stones and laid ham in the ryuer with lien [?] there yith. thei toke also twelf stones of the ryuer and brought ham i[n] to galgala. Gilgal ? and there: with stonen ciltres [?] or knyves circumcided al the childer of israel that wer borne after thei went out of egipt. for while thei were i[n] desert thei circumcided not. ¶ [indented blue pilcrow] The citi of Jericho at seuen goynges aboute. he destroied. and charged the peple upon peyn of cursing no thyng to take therof as for har [their] use: but fle al that ever thei found with [inne ?]. ma[??]. wife. and child. and aged man. oxon. shepe. and asse. ¶ [Gold ? pilcrow] Achar Achan the son of charmi Carmi that came of Zare Zerah the son of jude. he saw at the spoyling of the citi Areed [A red?] mantel and Abo [above ?] hundred [?]de[?] of siluer. and aruel [?] of gold And stale [stole ?] it pryueli [privily]. and for that sinne se[??] and thritti [thirty] men were slayn of the childer of israel by the men of the citi of hay Ai ?. Wherfore Achar Achan was stoned to deth. and al his houshold and good brend [burned] with fire. than Josue Joshua

[The next line of text is bisected by the end of the graphic, but appears to say]

toke the citi of hay Aiand

[The main text (above) forms a central column between two parallel columns indicating lines of descent, in which names are written in circles within squares. The right-hand column is far more richly decorated than that on the left.]

[Six names appear in the column on the left, which are (in descending order): Josue [Joshua], Othoniel [Othniel], Ayoth [Ehud ?], Sangar [Shamgar], delbora [Deborah], Gedeon [Gideon].]

[Four names appear in the column on the right, which are (in descending order): Aram, Aminadab [Amminadab], Naason [Nahshon], Salmon.]

Last edit over 3 years ago by SteveN
m 3 (3c)
Needs Review

m 3 (3c)

[in crowned roundels on left:] Ebran cus Brut[us] [xx]ride stutu[m]

E brank was astronge man. and thurgh helpe of god he co[n]quered fraunce. and whan that was doon he come home ageyn and made a city and called it Ebranc.but nowe it is called yorke. And he had twenty sones and thritti doughters bi dyuerse wymen. and thei afterwarde wer greet lordes and ladies in diuerse cuntreis.

Brute grenesheld was kyng after hys fader. but he abode with hys fader whan hys breder wer sent beyond the see. and he gouerned the londe worthely. and is buried at yorke.

Last edit over 3 years ago by cleaverl
m 2 (1b)
Needs Review

m 2 (1b)

From top left corner, left hand margin charts lineage: Cethura --Madan---Madian [in red] The hand maide of Sare --- Agar[red ink] ---Ysmael --- Nabaioth ... Cedar. Cethure after that Sara was dede. Su[m]men seyn that thys Cethure was Agar that was his concubine and wedded her after the deth of his wife Sara. The interpretation of Cethure sowneth[?] so. For Cethner is as muche to sey as ca-hd.[?] but the lettre is contrari to this. Ismael had two sones: Nabaioth and Cedar and ten mo by his wife that he had out of egipt. Jacob gate by sleight fro his broder Elan thynges that p[er]teyned to hym by resoun of elder burthe. and not only that. but his fader blessyng. And voidyng fro his broder wrath. went in to mesopotaime. and lai and slept beside Juza[?]. and had avision of aladder that rechid un to heven. And he served Laban fourtene yere for Lya and R[r]achel. And almost seven yere more for shepe that wer of diverse coloure. As[ornate, gold lettering] he went awai [ ---- with[ ----] but Rachel Anle hir fader ydoles on she went. Laban pursued after hym and toke hym in the mount of gallad[?] and abond of peece[?] made betwixe them bothe departed. // fro thens Jacob came un to aplace called manahim [abb.?]. where he sawe angel[i]s and called [ham?] the castells of god. then sette he his men his household and beestis by order to mete with hys broder Elan. and passed over the soorthe[?] of Jaboch. After the angel wresteled with hym and smote hym on the thigh that he ever halted after. And changed his name and called hym Isreal. Then mette he w[ith] his broder Elan and bothe departed in God[e]? love. Dina[?] Jacob is daughter. Went out to se wymen of that matter and Sichem the son of Prince Amoz [?] oppressed the maide and lai bye her ageyns hyr wille.Wherefore Simeon and levy breder of dine Ssowe as that was i[n?] the city except wymen and childer. As{cap. in blue ink] Jacob raised an Allter to God in bethel. and whan he come into effrata [?] : Rachel travelled for childe and brought furthe Benjamin and died furthe with as she was delyverid. Afterward Jacob for hunger went in to egipt. Where he was wurtheli receved of his son Joseph. And whan tyme came that he should dye: blessed his sones and passed out of this life.

[mid left page insert. This section seems to be squeezed in to left margin, possibly scribe ran out of room on the page] M [blue, decorative, red border motif] anasses [?] and Effraim wer Joseph sones. and elder of haiv[?] made akinrade[?] by hym self. for the kynrade of Levy was put fro heritage.

lower left margin lineage continuing: some names contained in boxes + inner circles, and different coloured inks. lines linked to name of parent. The hand maid of Rachel . Bala [?] ...Dan. ... [obscure] The hand maid of Lya . Zelpha ... Gad. Aser[?] Rachel. wife. ...Joseph ...[obscure] from Joseph ... Manasse ...Effraim

The wife of Jude . Sue.[?] ... Her .... Inan .... Sela The concubine of Jude.

Last edit over 3 years ago by Marcellamharris
m 2 (2a)
Needs Review

m 2 (2a)

B alaam that in the book of Job is callid elim came of Buz the secunde son of Nachor. the which was hired of balaac to curse the childer of israel. to whom the asse spake and reprouyd hym. he p[ro]phecied the sterre shuld come of Jacob. and of the berthe of oure lord.

Last edit over 3 years ago by cleaverl


Harley 2278 f.5
Needs Review

Harley 2278 f.5

Ave rex gentis anglor[um] miles regis angelor[um]. O. Edmunde flos martirum velud Rosa vel librum. funde preces ad dominum pro salute fidelum V Ora pro nobis beate Edmunde [R] Ut digni efficiamur promissionibus [Christi?]. Oracio Deus ineffabilis misericordie qui beatissimii Regem Edmundum tribuisti pro tuo nomine [Con]nimicum moriendo vincere. concede propicius familie tue; ut eo interveniente mereatur in se. antiqui hostis incitamenta superando extinguere. Per [christum] dominum nostrum, Amen.

Last edit over 3 years ago by cleaverl
Displaying pages 11 - 20 of 162 in total