Page 1 August 9, 1861




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Sutton, August 9th, 1861.

Dear Mother: We are still in the
town of Sutton. This town consists of two
rows of houses, situated between several hil-
ls, which are called "Sutton Heights."
These "Heights, if well fortified, and
commanded by a considerable force, co-
uld not be taken by the whole Southern
army. I learn that it is made a regu-
lar Post, and that troops will soon come
to garrison it.

There are but five companies of our
Regiment here at present, the others having
gone ahead about thirty miles; and we
have lately learned from one of the
teamsters who was with them, that
they, with the Seventh Regiment, were
advancing on a force, forty-five
thousand strong. I think it folly
in them to do so. I know they do not
think that ^our^ enemies cowards; and
surely they are aware that they also
can fight: why, then, will they march

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