


Status: Page Status Transcribed

Petition received from ratepayers of the District
asking that the road leading westerly from
Kapinnie Hall to the Main West Road be

Moved by Cr Puckridge that the scrub on
either side be rolled & the worst ruts
filled in. Carried.

Transfer of Lands
R J Noske & another to F E A Dahlitz pt Sect 1E Hd Cummins
J A Fuss to A C Fuss 8E Hd Cummins
A C Solly to W H Siviour Blocks A.B.C Cummins
R Correll ptns Blk 77 of pt sect 56 Hd Lincoln
M Docking to P L Low pt Sect 201 Hd Louth
C T Bartlett to W Murray pt block 19 of Sect 21 Hd Lincoln
O L Miller to L H Dorward pt Sect 189 Hd Louth

Moved by Cr Hall that the CLerk be authorised to make the necessary alterations in the assessment book. 2nd Cr Puckridge. Carried

Agreement to Purchase from Crown
Sect 43 Hd Kiana C Speedie

New Grantee from Crown
G A Bartley Section 15 Hd Cummins

Moved by Cr Hall that the Clerk be authorised to make the necessary alterations in the Assessment book. 2nd Cr Puckridge

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