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Collection: Hebrew

MartinaM translated (seq. 1) in Monis, Judah, 1683-1764. Biblical texts in Hebrew, circa 1740s? HUG 1580.7, Harvard University Archives.Page Translated
MartinaM added a note to (seq. 1) in Monis, Judah, 1683-1764. Biblical texts in Hebrew, circa 1740s? HUG 1580.7, Harvard University Archives., saying “The text of Exodus 20:1-10 is followed by the "Lord's Prayer" (in Hebrew, Tefillah ha-Adon) and the Creed (indicated as Iqqare ha-Emunah, i.e. "Principles of Faith"). At the bottom, it is possible to read in Hebrew: נכתב נעתק נקד ונטעם כפי דב...”Note Added
MartinaM added a note to (seq. 2) in Monis, Judah, 1683-1764. Biblical texts in Hebrew, circa 1740s? HUG 1580.7, Harvard University Archives., saying “No text to transcribe on this page ”Note Added
MartinaM marked (seq. 2) as blank in Monis, Judah, 1683-1764. Biblical texts in Hebrew, circa 1740s? HUG 1580.7, Harvard University Archives.Page Marked Blank
Harvard Library
Harvard Library added Monis, Judah, 1683-1764. Biblical texts in Hebrew, circa 1740s? HUG 1580.7, Harvard University Archives. in Monis, Judah, 1683-1764. Biblical texts in Hebrew, circa 1740s? HUG 1580.7, Harvard University Archives.Work Added