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A Parent Writes 'Thank You' To Mr. Belcher, A Teacher
To the Editor of The News: June 8, 1967
We have all heard the one about the "students
against the teachers and parents against
children and vice-versa." Now let's hear the
fly's side.
This is in fact a "Thank you" note from a
parent and a student to a teacher.
Vertice Belcher is a teacher at School No.
44 and is the father of four children. From
8:45 until 3:15, his day is filled with children,
other people's children. So, you might say
this is his job, but more than just doing his
job, Mr. Belcher takes a personal interest in
his children.
He gives the children an incentive, a
"want" to learn. Children who achieve the
proper grades are eligible for Mr. Belcher's
Honor Club.
My son is in the Honor Club, and this
June 9, he will be leaving the club and Mr.
Belcher's room. This will be a sad occasion
for us, but we will never forget the Saturdays,
or the Sunday Mr. Belcher took the
Honor Club to church with him.
Friday, for Mr. Belcher, is not the end of
what he can give his "children". His Saturdays
(his own free time) are spent with the
Honor Club. He calls for the children in the
club, at his or her home in his car and off
they go to such intersting places as Clowes
Hall to watch a famous cellist practice or
to hear numerous symphony concerts, or a
jazz concert by Dave Baker, or a visit to the
top of the Soldiers and Sailors Monument.
These are only a few of the places the Honor
Club has been, and is going.
We, the parents and students, should be so
fortunate as to have more teachers like Mr.
Vertice Belcher, concerned about the children
rather than themselves.
2416 Central Avenue
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