Visitors Register Vol. I

Visitor's Register Volume I


Needs Review


77 After the wonderful "Women's week" at Chicago, May 15-22, 1893, my pleasure + satisfaction have been completed by a brief visit to a personal intercourse with the woman to whom so much of that past success was due & her partners in life + work. The whole visit will be a never-fading remembrance of joy.

Florence Fenwick Miller

May 20, '93


To me-a stranger and a foreigner-during my stay in this Country, and the days I have spent here in their hospitable home-a privilege - never to be forgotten.

The best I can think of is health and happiness -this I wish my friends, Mr. + Mrs. Sewall may always enjoy-a heartfelt wish from their sincere + grateful friend.

[Sigrior?] Einarsdottir [Mag...?]

Reykjavik, Iceland May 4th 1894

Last edit about 4 years ago by Terilee
Not Started



En souvenir des jours heureux passes avec Monsieur et Madame Sewall. 4 Juin 1893 Jean Parrey

The greatest lesson anyone can ever learn is that God is the direct Teacher of everyone who really tries to be his pupil.

William Rosecastle Sager Chicago July 11th 1893.

Last edit almost 4 years ago by aeosie


[Elizabeth?] P Hughes. Cambridge England. ["soaming never have" July 29 1893?]

Extra [Iflugaxiam?] [non est vita, di est vita?], non est ita. " Hulloo esillay noi huseg?" Recipe [for young advanced women] Take 1 spoonful of amability 2 spoonful of charm 3 spoonful of feeling for the beautiful and 1 grain of [faith?], -- and you will make an excellent wife!

Last edit about 5 years ago by ims8be
Not Started
Displaying pages 81 - 85 of 95 in total