May Wright Sewall Papers

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Visitors Register Vol. III

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To the Hostess

Spring's boundless buds, or Summer's bloom, Fair Autumn's fruit, cold Winter's gloom - - Unchanging - Each were weariness, - Succeeding, each is strong to bless.

Monotony's dull dreariness, Changes to restful cheeriness.

x x x x x x x x

Beneath this roof have many times Assembled guests from many climes - Burdened by cares too constant bourn Have met in weariness - & worn.

But in soft airs of sympathy - That 'neath this rooftree ever play - The toil of each soon grows to be The rest of all; and on his way --

Each guest as from a holyday, Refreshed, & pitched on higher key To work go as singing on his way.

Blest be the hostess who controls, This hostery for weary souls! And strength come to her night & day.

[O.B.?.] September 23 - 1902

Last edit almost 4 years ago by chickadee
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[Ever?] Home!

There was a man who saw God face to face. His countenance and vestments evermore Shone with a light that never shone before Saving from him who saw God face to face. And men [?] him for a little space. [?] [?] [?] by the [unmuted?] light They bore his body to mountain bright And nailed it to a tree then went their way And he resisted not nor said then nay Because that he had seen God face to face.

Then rose a man who saw man face to face And even as he walked, from day to day, The wondrous mystery of being lay Plain as the path he [?] in loneliness; And each [day] hid [...ption?] could he [?] How man have loved and fought and fought again. How in grave darkness [?] cried out for pain. How each grew fast of sad from sea to sea [?] red with blood of men [?] [?]! How [?] of pity [name?] as [summer?] ram Again and ever washed the stains away.

Last edit almost 4 years ago by chickadee
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Leaving to Love at last the victory. O'er all the [?] heat and fever pain The sordid walk and talk of [squalid?] men He saw the vision changeless as the stars That shone through temple gate and [?] bare O'er all the meanness of the life that is The splendor of the light that yet shall be.

So, when [?] him for a little space, Men whom the light did blind [?] angrily And nailed his body to the cruel tree He did resist them not nor say them nay In Heaven's own mystery plain before him lay And in man's life, he saw God face to face!

David [St...?] Jordan.

Jan 12, 1903

Last edit almost 4 years ago by chickadee
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In gratefull appreciation for hospitality extended, and with sincere regard I am your sincere friend Tho. Jamison Miller

Jan 17-18 1903

Last edit almost 4 years ago by chickadee
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[...] rong [musical note] from Marion Mac Dowell

Marion Mac Dowell

Last edit almost 4 years ago by aeosie
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"I do rejoice that where it me w thee" Men talk no longer yet not here but more The Eternal [S...} still that and shall fill, And ever stronger, [...] but flee from {power?}

A humble note in the Eternal Song The Perfect Singer hath made [...] forever And not one atone in Earth mandane theory But shall be neglect to Infinity."

Carrie H. Wright

March first 1903

Last edit almost 4 years ago by shashathree
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Caroline Hazard.

November 10th 1903in remembrance that Mrs Patersen [...] also Mrs. Sewall's guest. and thanks for a delightful afternoon.

James Kris [...] Chrisen

"Though the [...] is broken yet the [...] is not [...]" November 18th 1903.

Richard Green Moulton 10 December 1903

A delightful "visit' - if indeed I have not been "at home"

Last edit almost 4 years ago by shashathree
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Gerard Collier

London Nov. 16

Again a happy guest in this Dear "Sewall House"It's hospitality is as the gentle [Jew?] [James Heabin?] - It is since bless'd." It blesseth her that gives and doubly - her that takes".

Gratefully & Affectionately Alice Whisler Paine Jan. 22 1904.

Last edit almost 4 years ago by shashathree
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"Tis not in mortals to command success But we'll do more Sempronius-we'll deserve it" Tho. C. Day

"Build thee more stately mansions oh! my soul, as the swift seasons roll" Katherine H. Fay-

Like scenes from the Arabian Nights w file the match [...]. The glories gather as we take our leave; The gentle Chinese guests, the merriment, The loving cup and the good wishes sent Around the globe with those in pleasure bent! Tonic with need giving memories of you. Kate Upsom Clark

"We're -{ brothers ?} in Washington [Bastanido?] Chinese, [...] or Badger Yours fraternally [...] Holland Robertson

Last edit almost 4 years ago by shashathree
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March 11- 1906

Not many words - Not many, but a few And forthright with nuanifing [...] to me & you From far, by many wanderings travel all, And many having welcome weary ones; They rest, pass one, & so it does before New Strength, new Struggle as a purpose [...] And sequence follows, thro' successive [...] Now, launched from here, new pited for new canise I sing O! harbor mistress - fond farewell! For heartfull kindness lavished for my use I'm not to pay with thanks, tho' heart does swell With thankfulness, my poor speech may not tell But this I say - a "scene" so timely [...] Thy welcome hails (is music to my ears) Grown old, its true joy is forever young, And strength & joy stride in any farewell tears


Last edit almost 4 years ago by aeosie
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