



Status: Complete

[annotation upper left corner: ___] Rain VH a l'hot

Up. 7:20 am. Bank
at 9. [Mrs.] and me
received notes at 30 [illegible]
for 300. Then Henderson's office. and down
to Mitchells and [illegible]
[illegible] sch. [illegibile]
and read [illegible] 1:20. and
worked till 1:30 and then
to my dinner. then to my
office and [carried] Ashley. [Illegible and struck through]
Grant's [memos] to him.
[illegible] and had to talk with
him about the case. and
he told me of findings and charges
up to CH and there till
6 PM. Then August's 6:30 -7:40
office. 17 [illegible]
[illegible]. 9:20-11:30 sanctum. Ord
[illegible]. To US Court house and
left there at 12 :10 PM.. and
home and to bed after eating
supper at 1 am.

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