


Status: Incomplete

20 (4) GOOD NEWS Vol. 3.

[column 1]


That He is "in the midst" cannot be
doubted when we stop to count up the
blessings of the past week. Many soul-
stirring messages were delivered in the
Big Tabernacle during the Conference
on Behalf of Israel, by the splendid list
of speakers.

On Saturday evening Mr. Trumbull
met the teachers and officers of the Sun-
day School, the young people and Mis-
sionary Volunteers in the Young Peo-
ple's Building, in a heart-to-heart talk
about Christ, Our Victory—the one who
bears fruit through us, and who can
bring our scholars and friends to Him-
self, if we are filled with His Spirit. Mr.
Trumbull spoke again on Sunday morn-
ing, at the Tabernacle of the Impor-
tance of the death of Jesus Christ, in
contrast with the minor importance of
His life, which would have been of no
avail without its climaxing atonement
for sin.

On Sunday afternoon the young peo-
ple of our Christian Companionship
Club (which has just said goodbye to
three of its number leaving for a mis-
sionary training school to prepare for
work on the foreign field) were so filled
with love and desire to spread the
Gospel, that they agreed to give $1,660
for missions. Just one organization! In
announcing the glad news, Rev. Mr.
Woolley said, "Now, if they can afford
to do that, on top of all the rest they
are doing, for most of them are already
giving to the lot, the current church ex-
penses, and foreign missions in other
ways, in the Sunday School and in the
Church—if they can do that, surely we
can do something for the glory of the
Lord." Surely our hearts are burning
within us, in the great desire to see
souls saved in these "night hours of the
world before morning cometh."

In the evening Pastor William Fetler
made a stirring appeal for help in the
evangelization of Russia, a large num-
ber of young people volunteering to pre-
pare for service in that land, which is
now open for the first time to the Gos-
pel. Among them are many Russian
speaking people, particularly some splen-
specimens of Russian manhood.

Although we greatly miss our beloved
Pastor, still the Lord is in the midst
pouring out His blessings, and we are
glad to follow Mr. Rader in our prayers
to Jesus on this tour, and be given
money enough to carry the Gospel quick-
ly to the boys in the trenches, through
the Salvation Army. Mr. Rader has
visited Dallas and Houston, Texas;
Tulsa, Okla.; Los Angeles and San
Francisco Cal., and is touring North-
ward from that point. As he is speaking
many times a day, he has not had the
time to send special messages to GOOD
NEWS, but we hope to have something
from him for next week's issue.

A "Thank You"

Mr. E. Y. Woolley, Moody Tabernacle,

Dear Mr. Wooley:

Again I wish to express my thanks to
you and your congregation for the
use of the Rader Tabernacle during the
past year. As you know our assembly
hall is too small for practical use. We
cannot seat more than 600 in it with
comfort, and as our school numbers
about 2,400 men and boys, you will ap-
preciate what the free use of the Rader
Tabernacle means to us. During the
past five months it has given us splendid
service. You have never made any
charge and the hall has always been in
good condition. I appreciate what it
has meant to you to heat it during these
months. In war time especially school
mass meetings are very effective as a
means of inculcating patriotism. The
campaigns for Liberty Loans, Red Cross,
Y. M. C. A., Thrift Stamps, Farm Boys
would not have been nearly so effective
at Lane if it had not been for your

I speak for the entire school and for
the parents of the pupils in offering
my thanks.

Yours truly,

[/column 1]

[column 2]


Lesson for Feb. 10, mark 3:7-35

Golden Test: "He ordained twelve,
that they should be with Him, and that
He might send them forth to preach."
Mark 3:14

Are you chosen of the Master
Have you heard His tender call?
Has He bid you rise and follow
Where He leads, forsaking all?

He seeks no the great and mighty,
But the lowly, meek and mild,
Who are plastic in his fingers
As a weak and helpless child.

He will make, and mold, and fit you
For each task He bids you do.
All he asks is, "Are you willing,
Are you faithful, are you true?"
—A. B. C.

Daily Bible Readings:
Monday, Feb. 11, Mark 3:13-19.
Pray for—
Mrs. H. E. Bowe, Africa
Class 500, Mr. Meeker's Boys.

Tuesday Feb. 12, Luke 6:12-16.
Pray for—
Helena Waterman, China.
Beginners' Department.

Wednesday, Feb. 13, John 15:15-27.
Pray for—
Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Christian, India.
Class 503, Minna Oie's, Young

Thursday, Feb. 14, Luke 14:25-35.
Pray for—
Rev. and Mrs. C. E. Warran, South
Class 518, Mr. Carstensen's, Young

Friday, Feb. 15, John 17:19-21.
Pray for—
Mr. and Mrs. Allison, Central
Class 529, Miss Edith Hanson, Girls.

Saturday, Feb. 16, Matt. 10:14-25.
Pray for—
Rose M. Horton, Africa.
Girls of Faith, Miss Johnstone's

Sunday, Feb. 17, Matt. 19:23-30.
Pray for—
Elvira Malmstrom, Central America.
Class 517, Mrs. J. Fenton's Girls.

Lesson for Feb. 3, Jesus Lord of
the Sabbath, Mark 2:13-3:6.
Lesson for Feb. 17, Jesus Teaching
by Parables, Mark 4:1-20.


Preparatory to the Billy Sunday meet-
ings, neighborhood prayer meets are
to be held on Monday and Thursday
evenings at 7:30 o'clock, the following
homes being open for prayer. The
Moody Church district is bounded by
North Ave., Central St., Lincoln Park
and the river. Find the prayer meeting
nearest your home on your street. If
you name is listed here, you are in-
vited to meet at the Chicago Boys' Club
Bldg., at 1725 Orchard St., on Saturday
night, February 11th, at 7:30, for special
prayer and instruction. This preliminary
meeting will be in charge of Rev. P. C.
James, Suprevisor of Section A, Lincoln
Park District.

Mrs. Geo. A. Shipp, 1702 N. LaSalle
St., 3rd floor.
Mrs. F. Deno, 146 Eugenie St.
Mrs. Roy F. Armitage, 1911 Sedgwick
Mrs. H. Kees, 1742 N. Park Ave.
Mrs. Sophie Krause, 1741 Larabee St.
Mrs. Winifred Noble, 1702 N. LaSalle
Mrs. W. G. Johnson, 227 Eugenie St.
Mrs. Elizabeth Holsslau, 334 Wiscon-
sin St.
Mrs. Fred Schmitt, 1875 Howe St.
Mrs. Marie Kamp, 334 Star St.

alone in Chicagoi, and want a good
Christian home, you will be welcome at
the Moody Church Young Women's
Home, 1015LaSalle St. Rates $4.75




That He is in the midst cannot be

doubted when we stop to count up the

Lesson for Feb. 10, Mark 3.7-35.

blessings of the past week Many soul

stirring messages were delivered in the
Biz Tabernacle during the Conference

on Behalf of Israel, by the splendid list

of speakers.

On Saturday evening Mr. Trumbul

Hle might send them forth to preach.

Are you chosen of the Master

met the teachers and officers of the Sun-

lave vou heard His tender call

day School, the young people and Mis-

las He bid you rise and follow

sionary Volunteers in the Voung Peo

Where He leads, forsaking all)

ples Building, in a heart-to heart talk

He seeks not the great and mighty,

about Christ, Our Victory—the one who
bears fruit through us, and who car

But the lowly, meek and mild,

bring our scholars and friends to Him

As a weak and helpless child

Trumbull spoke again on Sunday morn

ing, at the Tabernacle, of The Impor

For each task He bids you do.

contrast with the minor importance of

All He asks is, "Are you willing

His life, which would have been of n

Are you faithful, are you true!

avail without its climaxing atonement

A. B. C

for sin.

Daily Bible Readings:

Monday,Feb. 11, Mark 3:13-19.

sionary training school to prepare fof
with love and the desire to spread the
for missions. Just one organiration! In

announcing the glad news, Rev. Mr

Class 500, Mr. Meckers, Boys.

Helena Waterman, China

penses, and foreign missions in other

Pray for—

Mr. and Mrs. Esra Christian, India

Class 503, Minna Oies, Voung

Thursday, Feb. 14. Luke 14:25-35.
Pray for—

Rev. and Mrs. C. E. Warren, South

Church—if they can do that, surely we


Class 518, Mr. Carstensen's, Voung

can do something for the glory of the
Lord Surely our hearts are burning


within us, in the great desire to see

souls saved in these night hours of the

Friday Feb. 15, John 179-21.

Mr. and Mrs. Attison, Centra

In the evening Pastor William Fetter

America 2

Class 529, Miss Edith Hanson, Girls.

made a stirring appeal for help in th
evangelization of Russia, a large num

Saturday, Feb. 16, Matt. 10:14-25.
Pray for—

ber of young people volunteering to pre

Rose M. Horton, Africa.
Girls of Faith, Miss Johnston

pare for service in that land, which is
now open for the first time to the Gos
pel. Among them were many Russian

speaking people, particularly some splendid specimens of Russian manhood
Although we greatly miss our beloved


Sunday, Feb. 17, Matt. 19:23-30.

the Sabbath, Mark 2:13-3.6

Lesson for Feb. 17, Jesus Teaching

to Jesus on this tour, and be given

money enough to carry the Cospel quickIy to the boys in the trenches, through


visited Dallas and Houston, Texas

Tulsa, Okla.; Los Angeles and San
Francisco, Cal, and is touring North

Preparatory to the Billy Sunday meet

ward from that point. As he is speaking
many times a day, he has not had the
time to send special messages to COOD

NEWVS, but we hope to have something

from him for next weeks issue.

oody Church district is bounded by

night, February 11th, at 7:30, for specia

prayer and instruction. This preliminar
meeting will be in charge of Rev. P. C

use of the Rader Tabernacle during the

cannot seat more than 600 in it with

MEs. Roy M. Armitage, 1911 Sedgwick


Mrs. H. Kees, 1742 N. Park Ave

charge and the hall has always been in S1
good condition. I appreciate what if

has meant to you to heat it during these

months. In war time especially school

mass meetings are very effective as 2
means of inculcating patriotism. The
campaigns for Liberty Loans, Red Cross

would not have been nearly so effective

Vours truly,

35). for even His brethren did not be

No wonder we are encouraged

consider Him that endured such contradiction of sinners against Himself
(Heb. 12:3), lest we become wearied in

our trails and oppositions.—C. H. Brun
ner, Home Department Quarterly


further announcement. The Taber

Sunday, Feb. 3.

The MissionOrchestra

Rev. WV. S. Jacoby, Speaker

Monday, Feb. a.
The Friendly Bible Class.

Mrs. Woolley's Bible Class

Mr. William F. Sharpe, Speaker.
Tuesday, Feb. 5

The Christian Companionship Club.
Rev. John W. Lee, Speaker

Wednesday, Feb. 6

Classes of Misses Tilgren
Hansen, and Mrs. Fenton

Davis, Speaker

Thursday, Feb. 7

Mr. and Mrs. Fess L. Fellers

Usher Band

The Gabriel Quartette

Saturday, Feb.

Mrs. F Schwarts, 1908 Sedgwick St H. Oates, Speaker
Mrs. W. W. Schofield, 1650 SedgwickBE A MISSIONARY1


Christian home, you will be welcome at
the Moody Church Voung Women's




MEN. Wednesday, February 6, Birdies

Room, Moody Church, 6:45; prayes

meeting, fellowship meeting, business
meeting. Bible study and personal work

class. Mr. Eilert Johnson is giving a

series of interesting and instructive Bibl
studies. The Fellowship Club also meet,
Sunday afternoons at 1:30, third foor

Voung People's building. All young men



evening, third foor, Voung People

Bidg. 6:45 Bible study in prophecy;
folks testimonies, and blessings. With 7.30 personal work study; 8:15 mis
the Tabernacle closed, be sure and sionary hour 9.00 prayer meeting. Instructors, Miss Stockwell, Mr. Filert
meet the Lord at the


alone in Chicago, and wanta

Roor, 3 p. m. Splendid meetings

who want to study, gather Saturda

ing in Moody Church Lecture Room

A great night of song and testimony

Mrs. Marie Kamp, 334 Star St


LASS: Voung People's Bldg, second

usual. Old Fashioned Prayer Meet

Wednesday nights is crowded with

MrS. W G. Johnson, 227 Engenie St.

Mrs. Fred Schmitt, 1875 Howe St

and old.

Missionary Volunteers, young folks, all

Mr. and Mrs. Guy C. Latchare
Rev. E. I. Pace, Speaker.
Mrs. Sophie Krause, 1741 Larrabee S
Friday, Feb. 8.
Urs. Wilfred Noble, 1702 N. LaSall
The Moody

Mrs. Elizabeth Holsslau, 334 Wiscon

Tabernacle Everybody welcome, young

nacle will be open on Sundays, as

Mr. E.D.

Mrs. F. Deno, 146 Engenie St

service. Vou have never made am

my thanks.

to have an interview with Him (vss. 31.

week Special music Luncheon served

at 6 o'clock for those staying to evening


came to take Him away saying. He is

St, 3rd foor

past five months it has given us splendid

I speak for the entire school and for
the parents of the pupils in offering

All these things stirred up His enc

mies the more against Him, until som
of his Kinsmen (vs. 21 marg, R. V.

The Bibl

comfort, and as our school numberg

Chicago Ave. Teacher, Miss Stockwell

teach His doctrine and do His works

brothers came to the house and aske

Mark 3.7-85. Everybody wel

Sunday School lesson for following

They were to be His representatives,

James, Supervisor of Section A, Lincoln
Park District

Mrs. Geo. A. Shipp, 1702 N. LaSalle

hall is too small for practical use. We


1:15 p. m. Birdies Room, first Hoor

nesses and to cast out demons" (R. V.)

Program forweek ending Feb. 9, 1918

homes being open for prayer. Thi

Bidg, at 1725 Orchard St, on Saturday

Past year. As vou know our assembly


instruction and training, no doubt, an

evenings at 7:30 o’clock, the following

vited to meet at the Chicago Bovs’ Chal

Again I wish to express my thanks t

Hachtel Lesson, "Jesus Chooses the


was that they might be with Him,r fo

304 N. Clark St. Services nightly 7:45

your name is listed here, you are in

you and to your congregation for the

Bids, third foor. Teacher, Mrs. F. C

best interest of and in His work. Per


nearest your home on your street. I

Dear Mr. Woolley


CLASS: 1:15 p. m. Voung Peoples

and that is the glory of God and the

ings, neighborhood prayer meetings ar

North Ave, Center St, Lincoln Part

Mr. F. V. Woolley, Moody Tabernacte

at Lane if it had not been for your

work is before them. At such times one

to be held on Monday and Thursday

and the river. Find the prayer meeting

A Thank Vowr

V. M.C. A, Thrift Stamps, Farm Boys

Mark 4:1-20.


the Salvation Army. Mr. Rader has

Tabernacle means to us. During the

ing officers for church or Sunday Schoo

Class 517, Mrs. J. Fenton'’s Girls.

by Parables,

lass No. 527—Gert. Germann.. 12-9711

Class 300— Adele Johnston.123111

thing must be kept in view definitely

beside Himself" Even His mother an

Crofts.... 184111

Intermediate Dept.

for guidance when the matter of select

Lesson for Feb. 3, Jesus Lord of Will not be held on week nights und

Douring out His blessings, and we are

lass No. 5047.

Class No. 525 Helen Brown.. 13-211

should the church pray and look to God

Elvira Malmstrom, Central America.

glad to follow Mr. Rader in our prayer
that he may be used to lead many soul:

Class No. 501—Isabel Johnston. 24-4111

spend a whole night in prayer before se

Pray for—

Pastor, still the Lord is in the mids

about 2,400 men and boys, you will ap
preciate what the free use of the Rade

twelve men was no doubt a very impor

lieve on Himr (John 7:5, R. V.).

Pray for—

world before the morning cometh.

Class No. 500-George Mecker.. 33-5111
Class No. 508 Minna Oie33.5111

Class No. 518-A. N. Carstensen!
Class No. 513—Mrs. Woolley.. 27-411

distinct purpose. The selection of these

preach and to have authority over sick

Beginners Department.

Wednesday, Feb. 13, John 15:15-27.

ways, in the Sunday School and in the

among them He chose those twelve for

then that He might send them forth t

Pray for—

to do that, on top of all the rest the

are doing, for most of them are already
giving to the lot, the current church ex

Class No. 535— Lydia Haug....59

(Luke 6:12). He apparently had man

more disciples or followers but from

The Lords object of this appointmen come

Tuesday, Feb. 12. Luke 6:12-16.

Woolley said, Now, if they can affore

been awarded the class rooms accord-

whom also He named Apostles (Lake

6:13). This Jesus did after having spent insly for the present quarter
Senior Dept.
Teacher. Average
the previous whole night in prayer


Mrs. H. E. Bowe, Africa

Cospel, that they agreed to give 51,660

had the largest attendance from Rally
Day to the first of the year and have

sonal preferences must not be consid-

Pray for—

three of its number leaving for a mis
work on the foreign field) were so fille

and Intermediate Departments have

lecting His officers how much more

He will make, and mold, and fit you

tance of the Death of Jesus Christ. i

ple of our Christian Companionship

The following classes in the Senior

The Mission of the Disciples

tant matter. If the Lord needed

Who are plastic in His fingers

self, if we are filled with His Spirit. Mr

Club (which has just said goodbye to

SunsH. Sorool NUrne

Colden Text: He ordained twelve
The Lord appointed, as the Revised
hat they should be with Him, and that Version reads, twelve to be His diciples

Mark 3:14

On Sunday afternoon the young peo

Vol. 3.



Johnson, Mr. Percy C. James, Mr. A. I.

Carstensen and visiting missionaries.

PRIENSHIP CLLE, for those 13 to

17 years old, fourth foor, Voung Peoples Blds, 4:20 p. m. Sunday. Splendid


MENS MEETING, Thursday nights

6:30. at Moody Church for supper. No


CHOIR MEETING, Thursday nights,

3.30. at Moody Church for supper



TRA will give a great concert service a

the Big Moody Tabernacte, North Ave.
and Clark St. If you failed to hear

their last concert, you cannot afford to

miss this one Come before 7:30 p. m

and get a good seat

Home Mission Work
Mr. C. A. Erickson, superintendent of
the Junior Department of the Moody

Sunday School, and Mr. Mortimer Hab

icon, evangelist, member of the Moody
Church, are starting for a trip in the

Orark region, to organire new Sundr

vance representative of the Billy Sun Schools, encourage those planted by

day Party, will speak at the Moody

Tabernacte Sunday morning on Hov

Billy Sunday Does Thing

them in former visits, and to preach the
Cospel in closed churches. Let us hold

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