


Status: Needs Review

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soviet power. A clash invariably re-
sulted and the soviet invariably won.
Then America entered the game. This
was in August.

American Red Cross at Work.

America sent a Red Cross mission to
Russia which, under the force of circum-
stances, erected itself into a polltical
mission. This unofficial effort mitigated
the mistake which all the allies made re-
garding the new Russia. For purposes of
war the various allied nations selected
as their representatives in Russia men
who through temperament and training
were fitted to work in harmony with the
czar's autocratic regime. The revolution
came and practically none of these rep-
resentatives was replaced by a man more
in tune with the situation. The old rep-
resentatives of the allies were as much
out of sympathy with the new socialistic
order as were the supporters of the over-
thrown autocracy.

The American Red Cross mission—now
almost wholly a political mission—realized
that when the czar fell the fundamental
bond of Russian life was lost and there
existed no common unity of patriotism
to hold Russia together. The Russian
people lived for the czar and warred for
the czar. The ideals of patriotism crys-
tallized in the czar's person. Some new
bond was essential. It was necessary to
create patriotism or something repre-
senting patriotism. Throughout Russia
were scores of groups acting individually
with no apparent desire for cohesion.

Vision of the American Mission.

The American mission believed that at-
tempts to re-establish the old bond were
foredoomed to failure, because under it
only about 6 per cent of the population
had a real stake in the nation, while since
the revolution 90 per cent had tasted
freedom and ownership. There existed a
solid mass of 15,000,000 soldiers against
the re-establishment. Thus the Korn-
loff, Kaledines and Alexieff moves were
destined to fallure, although this was
better realized after a few bitter experi-

Russia's need of a new bond suggested
to the American mission a definite course
of action—namely, amalgamation and
continued co-operation of the political


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and military elements of the new Russia
as a preliminary essential; then the in-
auguration of a vast educational cam-
paign seeking to create a new patriotic
unity in an ideal of "a free Russia, land
for the peasants, freeholds and firesides."
Nothing could be done without the coali-
tion of the military and political ele-
ments, which had been growing more es-
tranged. Consequently the Korniloff plot
was hatched.

Leaf from the French Revolution.

The plan interested the American mis-
sion. The Korniloff-Kerensky amalgama-
tion was first to solve the food problem,
which furnished the main basis of attack
against the Kerensky government, and
then co-operate in educating the sol-
diers and peasants as to Germany's true
character. It was hoped that the effort
would culminate in the creation of a Rus-
sian revolutionary army, the counterpart
in spirit of the French revolutionary

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