To Make Custurds
Take 2 Quarte[]s of Creame & put it into
a brase pan or stue pan ov e fir to boyle
& put it in some whole Cynnamon & mace a little
Nutmeg soe w n it boyles take it of e fire & let it
be cold n beate it up 14 eggs all e yolks & half
e whites n put to m some sug & rose wat n sett
all this to e Cream n strain it all through a
siffe or strain soe fill yo crust w th it & so bake m
To make Rice milk Pudding
Take a pound of rice & wash
in new milk n take m of e fire & set m to coole
n take a pound of currants & wash m & pick m
& take a pound of beef suet sreed smal & nutmeg
cloves & mace & ging & cinnamon & a little rose
wat & a glass of sack & some sug & some fresh butt
15 eggs soe mix all this togeth & put puff paist ov
& und it & bake it on hour & scrap sug one it & send it
---- m
For Sore Eye
take rotton aples and still in a cold still
wash y r eyes with the water it purges and
cleneth them
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