


Status: Complete

Surfeit water Cos. Howard

Take of Baum, Sage Mint, Hysop, Sweet
Marjorom, Sundew, each a small handfull
Roman Woormwood, Rice, Angelica, Agrimony
Betony each half an handfull, Cloves half
an Ounce Sugar and raissons of the Sun each a
pound Rosmary, and red rose leaves each an
handfull, Snake root & Pimpernelle each an
ounce, Coriander seeds an ounce liquorish 2 ounces
red poppy leave two gallons, Infuse them
for 12 days (stiring them every day) in 2
gallons of Brandy. Then press them off
and let it stand to settle and bottle it

{Cos Smith}
For a Scald or a Burn of any sort

Oyntment of Tobacco and oyl of green poplar
budds of each an equal quantity

First anoint the part affected, and then
blow it in with a Fan or Bellows.

To make Cheese Cakes with or without Currents Mts Ibbott

Take a pound of sugar, and sift it, and 1 pound of Almonds
blanch'd put to them the rinds of 8 lemons boil'd till
they are tender, put 'em into a stone Morter, and beat 'em
till they come to a paste put to it a little rose water or
orange flower water with a little sack If you make
'em with currents, you must take 5 pints of milk warme'd put
to it runnet to turn it , whey it very well thro' a cloth put
2 ounces of the lemon peel 2 ounces of Almonds to the curd with a
quart od a pound of currents well wash'd & pick'd a little rose
water and a little Nutmegg

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