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Status: Complete

March 2, 1959

Mr. Edward M. Gearing
3506 Dundee Driveway
Chevy Chase 15, Maryland

Dear Mr. Gearing:

I have nothing to offer you but the most abject apologies
for the unfortunate confusion of last Saturday.

There [inserted] were [end insert] two people I had to see in Washington and I set out
from New York at 6:30 a.m. I caught the 8:05 plane and be-
cause of the weather it took me almost four hours to get
to Washington. You can imagine my charging because I was
supposed to land at 9:25. The first appointment was with
an airborne officer and he, poor man, had waited at the
airport all this time. As soon as I reached his home I
telephoned your number - hoping that the appointment could
be postponed or that we could make other arrangements. Un-
fortunately you had already left.

From a courtesy standpoint, I could not very well brush off
the airborne man and also I had to hear his story. too. So
I tried to arrange with your wife that perhaps we could
meet at three. I do not know what happened at the airport
at three but somehow we missed each other. Either I went
to the wrong restaurant or the people at the door at the
restaurant had changed in the ensuing time.

Anyway, I feel very embarrassed about the whole business,
particularly so because you undoubtedly lost the best part
of the day. I had to catch the 3:55 plane back to New York
because I was due to dine with General Gavin. I am afraid
that that appointment went by the board too because weather
again held me up and I did not return to Manhattan until
almost midnight.

If you can tell me what would be the most convenient time
for us to get together, I will abide by your wishes and con-
venience and we can reschedule the interview. Or, would it
be more convenient for you if we conduct the interview over
the telephone?

My best wishes to you and your kind wife.


Cornelius Ryan

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