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To Pickle Ash Keyes 219
Take Ash Keyes Y Boyle ym In water & Salt, not too much lest they fall
of ye Stalk, yn Spread ym o a Cloath & Cover ym wth Another or to Keep In ye
boal & to make ym Looke greene, yn make a pickle wth vineger & salt, &
wn it is cold put ym In * Stop it up Close, so you may do by Kidney Beanes
only let ym Stand over Ye fire to greene.
To Pickle Turnips
Take young Turnips quarter ym & pare ym & cut ym Into thin
Slices, & putt ym Into A pott wth Some whole Mace & pop's white
wine vineger some salt & Stop ym up Close.
To Pickle Cucumbs Pinslin
Take 2 gallons of Water & 4 Gallons of Clarifide Whea A
pint of wine vinegor 4 handfull of ye Topps of Dill, A quantitie
of Salt boyle these together till it will beare an Egge, wn it is
cold put In ye Cucumbs: &c: so lett It stand brookes yn take a skellet
full of ye pickled cucumbs & put In Spring water to ym & cover the
Skellet close wth Something that wth Keepe In ye Steame, let it have
one Boyle & no more, yn Let ym Stand Close Covered till they be cold
& wn they be cold put ym Into white wine Vinegor after 3 dayes they
will be fitt to eat.
To Pickle Heartichoks
Pare ye Heartichock to ye Bottom or core, & wash ym very
well yn take 4 handfull of Salt a small quantitie of vergis &
water to ver ym. yn let it boyle before you put ym In wth pop Cloves
& made let ye heartichocks Boyle 3/4 of an hour In ye pickle & yn take
ym of & set ym to coole, & yn take ym up to draine & let ye pickle settle, then
pour ye Clear of & ye Spice Into an Earthen pott & put ye heartichock
too It & cover ym Close for yo up, If yo pickle be too strong put a
Little white wine too It.

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