


Status: Page Status Transcribed

First Name Middle Name Last Name Alias Registration number Date of registration Age Gender Color Height- Feet Height - Inches Physical description Free status Where emancipated Who emancipated Previous place of registration Date of birth Place of birth Name of mother Additional information
Nancy Nancy Bailey 1048 1820-03-06 Female dark brown 5 1 thick lips, has three scars on the left side of her neck born free/free born Surry County Dinah Bailey Dinah Bailey emancipated by Anselm Bailey senr
Charles Booker 1049 1820-03-06 26 Male dark brown 5 2.5 a scar on the upper part of his right temple somewhat bowlegged born free/free born Dinwiddie County Prince George County Registration No 541 from Dinwiddie
Nancy Ampey 1050 1820-03-07 12 Female brown complection a very slight scar near her throat just where the neck under part of the jaw joins and a mole on the upper part of her first finger of the right hand just above the second joint born free/free born Petersburg Venus Hogan
John Monroe 1051 1820-03-07 8 Male brown complection has a white speck near the centre or right of his right eye & holes in his Ears born free/free born Petersburg Venus Hogan
Betsy Bolling 1052 1820-03-07 6 Female brown complection has a mole on inside her 4th finger of her left hand near where it joins the hand born free/free born Petersburg Venus Hogan
Wyatt Sykes 1053 3 Male brown complection a scar from a burn on outer part of his right arm near the elbow & also a scar under right side of his throat born free/free born Petersburg Venus Hogan

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