Page 200




Status: Needs Review



Couusin Edw. Thomas wants new currant &
raspberry bushes - the Horticultural advised
planting them in the spring,
rather than the fall. He told us
of trouble he had with a begonia plant,
insects are injuring it very much,
causing the leaves to drop. He was
told to cut it back, transplant & repot it.

How can you make [?] [?] grow?
Just plant it!!!

It was thought the large gooseberry
bushes at Rockland should be heavily [?]
to make them bear the fruit
which they refuse to do.

Anna Farquhar announced the Hospital
supper would be held on July 27nd, &
the committee was anxious for all help
that could be offered.

A palm that is infested with scaly
bugs should be washed in whale-oil soap.

20 a piece was a fair price for
young guineas two weeks old.

Edithe [Green?] & Ellen Farquhar were
asksed to read at the next meeting.

Adjourned to Brooke Grove for the
August meeting.

Those of us who caught the glimpse

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