


Status: Complete

acquainted with D. Stevens is so discouraging. She says - "We are not
acquainted with him" (I think those are the words used.) I hope
some of your acquaintance may be more fortunate & that
you my dear girl may be made personally acquainted with
one who is so much admired & respected by your dear Father
& good brother Butler. As regards those Daguerreotypes - I am
very anxious to receive them - but fear to trust their being
sent by Mail. If you can hear of no private opportunity by
which they can be sent to Mr. Bourke perhaps the safest way
will be to keep them until you come yourselves.

This rain we consider a great blessing - for 3 days the past week
we have had a perfect sirocco - the crops much injured. I can
but hope this fine rain will prevent the necessity of planting
over again. I know it will benefit my pet garden & well as vegi
tables. I begin to be nervous about our dear ones in California
not having heard from them since their letter of 3d March
one month & 23 days this is a longer time than usual. God,
grant they may be well. I hope my dear Flora you do not
neglect to write to that best of Fathers & kindest of brothers
Depend on it my child there is no one who will ever love you & prize
you more than your own family do - no one you should love
so well. I must now close this scrawl. Kiss your dear
sister for me. give my love to dear Adele & Soph - tell the
latter I hope one of these days she will allow me an opportuni
ty of being personally acquainted with her by visiting old Retreat
not in dreams but in reality. My regards to Mrs P & Caro. —
I sincerely hope Mr Picot will soon be restored to health & to
his family. Your sister - brothers & Mrs Gale send lots of love
The servants beg to be remembered. Good night my
dearly beloved child. May God! bless & restore you all
in health & happiness to your devoted mother
A M King

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