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Newman that should
have conducted these
services. How unfortu-
nate that he is so far
away - but after all how
little can any human
being do or say to the
bereaved heart. God alone
is our refuge & from Him
alone we desire comfort

The Hymns that were
sung in church today were
the 149-762-684
I admire the first & thought
it so appropriate. The
last, was my dear Hus
bands favorite Hymn.
I sat quite near your
pew which was draped
in mourning.

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My dear Mrs Stanford

I have just returned
from the Metropolitan
Church. It was anounced
last evening that there
would be a memorial
service for Senator Stan
ford, this morning by
Bishop Hurst at 11 O'
O' clock. I had an en-
gagement - or rather had
promised a poor sick wo-
man to go to the Hospital
at 10, to see her & take her
some fruit; but I wished
to pay a respect to the mem
ory of Senator Stanford
and I know that you would
be gratified by my doing

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