Untitled Page 355




Status: Complete

the Walpurgis Nacht where all the witches meet + dance). Sat around it and
stayed warm and sang a few songs with guitar and clarinet accompaniment,
just sort of letting the night waste away. Then I came down to the Burg +
got to bed by 10:30 in hopes of a good night's sleep. tossed + turned a lot
+ woke up worried about you - but tonight I will be able to sleep right!

As to P.O. Box - let them have it back - I'll get mail through the
club instead, which is Box 5097. As to chorus - sign me up! I forgot
to pre-reg for it, but can change that next fall. I'll take it for credit, I guess,
since I don't need any more group activities. And the address in Vienna is:
c/o American Express
14 Kaerntnerring
Vienna, Austria

I love you with all my heart + soul sweetheart, and I think I'll survive the
next two weeks just fine if you manage to get off a letter at times! I'm sorry
for the loud complaints of the last few days - hope they weren't too demoralizing.
I love you + miss you very much! Sweet dreams; Always + forever,
Your George

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