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For Convultion Fitts
Take the Gall of a sucking puppy the Blood
of a Black Hee Catt mix ym to geather and
give it in ye fitt or before it if you perceeve
it to be coming and for prevention, one
2 or 3 days before ye chiange of ye Moone

A Dyatt Drinke
Take of ye Roots of Red docks Moderately dry [?] one
Pound & half of Orange Pill one Ownce [fommia?] &
Parsley Roots of each 2 ownces Jouce of Scurvy
Grass 2 Pints, Water Cress 1 Pinte, Mix ye Joyces
with 4 gall of unhopt Ale & yose them,
After They have Wraught 2 days & Nights Putt
in ye Rootts & Orange Pill & After 3 or 4 days
drinke it for your Couse and drinke exept all

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