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SPLENDENS.--One of the most brilliant of flowers; it thrives in any light, rich soil; often called Flowering Sage. Free bloomers. A brilliant scarlet. Very fine. Pkt. 10c.
MIXED VARIETIES.--All colors. Pkt. 5c.

[image] SWEET PEAS.

[image] SCABIOSA.

(Mourning Bride.) One of the best of free-flowering hardy annuals of very handsome colors. Best double dwarf mixed. Pkt. 4c.

UMBELLATA.--Is really a very attractive little flower, desirable for bouquets. Flowers in dense umbels, on leafless stems, six inches or more in length; blossoms are pink and nearly everlasting. Sow seed under glass or in a sheltered place. Pkt. 10c.

A very pretty and curious plant, the leaves closing when touched. The seeds start slow, and it is best to start them in boxes, cover shallow and see that they do not dry out; it makes a good house plant for winter, and always pleases the children. Pkt. 5c.


Well suited for baskets and rockeries; blooms freely; many varieties mixed. Pkt. 5c.

A handsome climber with flowers and pods of dark scarlet, and suitable for wearing as corsage bouquets. It is quite ornamental as well as being of much value as a vegetable, the beans being equal to the Lima in flavor. Pkt. 5c.

Much used for winter decorations; the seeds start slowly and should be planted in loose, rich soil and kept moist and warm. Pkt. 8c.

One of the most beautiful of flowering annuals, forming strong, bushy plants about 18 inches high and bearing throughout the season large flowers 3 to 4 inches across, of many beautiful colors.
NEW VARIVEINED.--Much larger than the common Salpiglossis. The surface is soft and velvety and the wealth of color marvelous. The colors range from pure white to dark yellow, dark red and purplish black, including light and dark blue, velvety plum color, maroon, crimson, dark brown, golden and lemon yellow, white, dark purple, black, brilliant scarlet, etc., with all the shades between beautifully veined and mottled; blooms all summer and till severe frost. Pkt. 10c.

[image] SMILAX.


May well be called America's favorite, as it is such a popular and easily grown flower that rich and poor alike can enjoy its fragrance and beauty. They are hardy, free from insects, and disease, and if cut freely, as soon as they begin to fade, will continue to bloom throughout the season. One ounce will sow a row thirty feet long and make a lovely hedge. One secret in successful sweet pea culture is to plant early and deep, not less than four inches.
ALBA MAGNIFICA.--One of the clearest of the whites. Flowers medium sized with broad, full wings and comparatively small standard. Strong grower and fine bloomer. Pkt. 5c, oz. 20c.
MISS BLANCHE FERRY.--Resembles the Painted Lady, but the flower is much larger of better and more decided shades, and blooms more freely. It is so compact and bush-like that it can be grown without any support. Very fragrant and unsurpassed for corsage bouquets. Pkt. 5c, oz. 25c.
PAINTED LADY.--Very pretty, delicate pink and white. Pkt. 5c, oz. 20c.
QUEEN OF THE ISLES.--After careful and continued selection, this unique variety has become fixed. The large flowers are handsomely striped with both blue and red on a white ground; very fine. Pkt. 5c, oz. 25c.
DUCHESS OF EDINBURGH.--Very beautiful; standard light scarlet, splashed with crimson, edge white and wings tipped rose. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c.
QUEEN OF ENGLAND.--A grand new variety with pure white flowers, only surpassed by Emily Henderson. Pkt. 5c, oz. 20c.
BORSATTON.--A very fine dark variety, with immense, bold, attractive flowers, borne in great profusion. Color, red, mahogany and maroon. Very beautiful. Pkt. 8c, oz. 35c.
INVINCIBLE SCARLET.--Plant vigorous grower and profuse bloomer; flowers large and brilliant scarlet. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c.
MRS. GLADSTONE.--Flowers large, of perfect form and of most delicate and beautiful blush pink. One of the most elegant and beautiful flowers in the list. Pkt. 5c, oz. 20c.
PRIMROSE.--Pale primrose yellow. One of the most beautiful; blooms a long time and is exquisitely fragrant. Pkt. 10c, oz. 40c.
SPLENDOR.--Well named and one of the grandest on the list. Most brilliant crimson rose; a dazzling color; often double. Pkt. 7c, oz. 30c.
SENATOR.--Chocolate and creamy white; handsome. Pkt. 5c, oz. 20c.
EMILY HENDERSON.--A beautiful absolutely pure white; the flowers are extra large, and stand up boldly without reflex or curl. The plants are robust, compact and branching, producing such an abundance of flowers that the plants appear as if covered with snow. From one plant, specially cultivated, has been cut in one season the seemingly incredible number of 1,035 sprays of bloom. In earliness it outrivals all competitors by nearly two weeks, and continues a veritable "cut-and-come again" to the end of autumn. The fragrance is most delicious and distinct. Pkt. 10c, oz. 40c.
PERFECTED MIXED.--We are sure our customers will be pleased with this. Of most graceful form, charming color, exquisite fragrance and simple loveliness. This mixture contains all the most choice new varieties and some of the old favorites. Pkt. 10c, oz. 20c, 1/4 lb. 65c.
IMPERIAL BLUE.--One of Eckford 's new, large flowering varieties of finest form; color ultramarine blue, claret and purple. One of the handsomest. Pkt. 5c, oz. 25c.
PURPLE PRINCE.--Maroon standards, shaded with bronze and purple wings. Very fine and superb. Pkt. 5c, oz. 25c.
ECKFORD'S NEW HYBRIDS.--A strain of mixed sweet peas comprising many beautiful new varieties of bright colors, flowers unusually large. Pkt. 5c, oz. 25c.
EXTRA FINE MIXED.--Splendid assortment. Pkt. 3c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 35c.

The Ten Weeks stock embraces a wonderful range of colors; unsurpassed for beds, borders or pot culture. Start early in the house and transplant to rich soil, deeply cultivated with plenty of moisture.
LARGE FLOWERING PERPETUAL WHITE.--Most valuable kind of Ten Weeks stock ever introduced. Of strong growth, fine branching habit and grows in open ground to the height of 1 1/2 feet; if sown early will produce a great abundance of bloom from May or June until November; flowers very large and purest possible white, and the oftener they are cut the better they seem to like it; indeed it is a veritable "cut-and-come-again." It succeeds well as a pot plant. Deliciously fragrant. Pkt. 10c.


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