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Each year these are becoming more popular, and we are glad to offer several most desirable new varieties this season, which we are sure our customers will be pleased with.
VERNON.--This most remarkable novelty is of unusual value for bedding, as it will stand the hot summer sun. Comes into flower in June and continues to make a most striking effect in beds or borders throughout the entire summer. The flowers are of a brilliant deep red color, the foliage is very abundant, stiff and glossy, and of a fine green color, spotted and margined with bronze purple. Its bright foliage and brilliant flowers are equally as beautiful in the shade as in the sun. It thrives everywhere, and is equally good as a winter bloomer. It makes fine stocky plants, which are covered all winter with the beautiful crimson flowers, and so easily cared for everyone should have it. Each 15c.
TUBEROUS ROOTED.--Don't fail to try them. See description in bulb department. Single flowered, 15c each. Per doz. $1.50. Double, 25c each, doz. $2.50.


LOUIS ERDODY.--This is an interesting and curiously handsome new variety which retains the general character of the Rex family as to growth, but is so distinct in form and peculiar leaf formation that it stands out unique and striking in all its individual beauty. Having a good stock, we are able to place this novelty within the reach of all. Each 35c.
METALICA.--This elegant variety has very large, glossy leaves, shaded with green, crimson and olive, with a peculiar metalic [metallic] luster over all; flowers a clear pink, shaded white; a grand pot plant. Each 10c.
RUBRA.--One of the finest; a constant bloomer, color scarlet rose. Each 10c.

SEMPER FLORENS GIGANTEA ROSEA.--A superb variety, strong upright growth, fine large flowers of clear, cardinal red, and the bud only exceeded in beauty by the open flower. Each 25c.
ALBA PICTA.--The leaves are glossy, green, thickly spotted with silvery white, the spots graduating in size from the center toward the margin. Flowers white. Each 15c.
RICINIFOLIA.--The leaf is very large--will average a foot or more in diameter, and is shaped like ricinus. Color a rich green, with reddish markings; surface velvety. In bloom it is magnificent; the panicle, composed of great numbers of individual pink blooms, is lifted high and spray-like, quite clear of the foliage. One of the best for winter bloom, besides being ornamental in foliage. Each 25c.
THURSTONI.--This handsome new begonia is a cross between the Metalica and Sanguinea, having the bright red foliage and veinings underneath the leaves, and bright metalic [metallic] green shading to red in the younger growth on top, with the deep veinings of the Metalica, and smooth, glossy leaves and red stems of the Sanguinea. Flowers are a beautiful deep pink in bud, but when expanded become a beautiful shell pink. Each 35c.


REX.--A magnificent class of house plants, remarkable for the variety and beautiful markings of the foliage, is well adapted to vases and baskets in shaded situations. A large assortment. Each 25c.
ARGENTEA GUTTATA.--Our illustration gives but a poor idea of this very desirable and beautiful new plant. It is a cross between Olbia and Alba Picta, having the silvery blotches of the Alba Picta and the grace and beauty of growth of Olbia. It has purple bronze leaves oblong in shape, with silvery markings, and is in every way a most beautiful begonia. It produces white flowers in bunches on ends of growth stems. It will be splendid for house culture. Each 15c.

CITRIODORA.--(Lemon Verbena)--Foliage delightfully fragrant; to simply brush against it is enough to perfume an entire room, with its delicious lemon odor. Each 15c.

A very neat and pretty plant, resembling some of the ferns in general appearance. Its graceful habit makes it very desirable for baskets and vases. Quite interesting and of easy culture. Two varieties. Each 10c.

Is a Beauty.


ALFRED NEUNER.--This magnificent and showy plant is especially valuable for winter blooming, and none should be without it. The flowers are produced in great profusion during the entire winter, the great clusters of double florets resembling nothing else in cultivation. They also bloom well during summer, commencing early in July. This double Bouvardia is one of the very choicest of florist's flowers. Of pure waxy white, resembling clusters of small tuberoses. Each 15c.

ZELANICA.--A singular plant, eminently adapted for decorative purposes in parlors, etc. Dark green, beautifully striped crosswise with white flowers, creamy white. Each 25c.

A well known summer climber. Foliage green, with large, purple, bell-shaped flowers. Each 20c.

Guide to Floriculture.
This new book will be warmly welcomed by every flower lover as it is full of information about growing flowers in the house and in the open ground. Very good and practical. Contains also a monthly calendar of operations which is of great value. Price 25c postpaid, or we will send a copy as a premium on any order for flower seeds, plants or bulbs amounting to $1.00 or more where no other premium or discount is asked for.


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