p. 565




Status: Complete

Jefferson County is bounded on the north by Dodge County, on the east by Milwaukee, on the south by Rock and on the west by Dane County; or on the north by the north line of town eight, east by east line of range sixteen, south by south line of town five and west be the west line of range thirteen. It is twenty four miles square, and has an area of five hundred and seventy six square miles or sections. Jefferson county was set off from Milwaukee county in 1836 and organized as a separate county in 1839. Its population in 1838 was 468 in 1840 it was 914 and in 1842 it is 1638. The county seat is Jefferson, at the confluence of the Crawfish with Rock river. The town sytem of government is adopted in this county, and it is divided into the following towns, Aztalan, Bark River, Koshkonong, Jefferson, Oakland, Union and Watertown.-The principal settlements are at Aztalan, Jefferson Watertown, Fort Atkinson, Lake Koshkonong, & on Bark River.


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