City of Seattle Records

Pages That Mention Maggie L Barker


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163 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Mar 4 1887 Ordinances 812 An Ordinance is submitted by the city Attorney Entitled "An Ordiance to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute and deliver a quit claim deed to Maggie L Barker" which is passed by the following vote viz: In favor of the same Furth, Frink, Green, Hinckley, Lake & Reitze. Against None. 813 An Ordinance is submitted by the City Clerk Entitled "A Special Ordinance appropriating money to pay Audited Bills" which is passed by the following vote viz: Ayes Furth, Frink, Green, Hinckley, Lake & Reitze. Noes None. Ordered that the council do now adjourn until Tuesday March 8th at 7 o'clock PM W H Shoudy mayor Attest W R Forrest clerk Mar 8 1887 Be it remembered that on this 8th day of March 1887 the Common Council of theCity of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to adjournment. The Following Officers are present to wit: Mayor W H Shoudy Councilmen Furth, Frink, Green, Hinckley, Russell and Reitze. the following proceedings were had to wit:- Petitions of P G Bergamane for permission to build a shanty on University Street west of Front Street. Tabled. Communication from the mayor making certain suggestions Made the Special Order of business for the next meeting Applicatin of G Burian for a liquor license. Referred Report of the Street Committee recommending that

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


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163 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Mar 4 1887 Ordinances 812 An Ordinance is submitted by the city Attorney Entitled "An Ordiance to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute and deliver a quit claim deed to Maggie L Barker" which is passed by the following vote viz: In favor of the same Furth, Frink, Green, Hinckley, Lake & Reitze. Against None. 813 An Ordinance is submitted by the City Clerk Entitled "A Special Ordinance appropriating money to pay Audited Bills" which is passed by the following vote viz: Ayes Furth, Frink, Green, Hinckley, Lake & Reitze. Noes None. Ordered that the council do now adjourn until Tuesday March 8th at 7 o'clock PM W H Shoudy mayor Attest W R Forrest clerk Mar 8 1887 Be it remembered that on this 8th day of March 1887 the Common Council of theCity of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to adjournment. The Following Officers are present to wit: Mayor W H Shoudy Councilmen Furth, Frink, Green, Hinckley, Russell and Reitze. the following proceedings were had to wit:- Petitions of P G Bergamane for permission to build a shanty on University Street west of Front Street. Tabled. Communication from the mayor making certain suggestions Made the Special Order of business for the next meeting Applicatin of G Burian for a liquor license. Referred Report of the Street Committee recommending that

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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