City of Seattle Records

Pages That Mention H Rosenberg


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310 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Oct 7 1887 Wm Tierney 1471 Ord 839Madison St Imp Fund 2251.25 Estimate Cont work Albro Gardner 1483 Ord 839Madison St Imp Fund 98.50 Surveyor Fees Wm Tierney 1470 Ord 847Mill St Imp Fund 1850.97 Estimate Cont work Albro Gardner 1478 Ord 847Mill St Imp Fund 52.76 Engineering Mill St J Furth 1468 Ord 8297th St Imp Fund 1529.33 Estimate Cont work Albro Gardner 1482 Ord 8297th St Imp Fund 68.63 Engineering 7th St Wilson & Godfrey 1469 Ord 8487th St Imp Fund 2619.44 Estimate Contract work Albro Gardner 1481 Ord 8487th St Imp Fund 55.52 Engineering 7th St H Rosenberg 1476 Ord 8487th St Imp Fund 30.00 Lowering Sidewalk 7th St H Rosenberg 1472 Ord 8364th St Imp Fund White & Quigley 1473 Ord 8364th St Imp Fund 775.99 Estimate Cont work H Rosenberg 1477 Ord 8364th St Imp Fund 35.00 Building Sidewalk on 4th Albro Gardner 1480 Ord 8364th St Imp Fund 95.13 Engineering Assessment Roll for 1887 The Clerk Submits the Completed Assessment Roll for the year 1887 and on motion said roll is ordered issued to the City Treasurer with a Warrant for the collection of taxes therein. Miscellaneous Ordered that the chairman of the Fire and Water Committee submit plans for new hydrant at the next regular meeting with estimate of costs of same Ordered that the chairman of the Street committee be intructed to submit plans for a bridge on Jefferson Street between 5th & 6th Streets with estimate of cost. Ordinances An Ordinance fixing the grade of Mill and James Streets at Second Street in the City of Seattle" which is passed byt eh following vote, Ayes J Furth

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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