City of Seattle Records

Pages That Mention Harry Daniels


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Harry Daniels et al against vacation of portion of Lake Street

Rejected 3-6-93

Last edit almost 5 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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affording connections with the Lake Union Boulevard. 2.--Lake Avenue is already graded from the Bay to Depot Street, a distance of five blocks, and cannot be closed without working a detriment to the property of those citizens who have already paid grade taxes with the understanding that the street would be further extended according to the plats dedicating it to the City for street purposes. 3.--That the land comprising said Avenue was dedicated to the public for street purposes only, and we protest against the City vacating the land for the benefit of a few abutting property owners, who comprise a very small fraction of the public, and who have fathered the aforementioned petition simply for their own selfish ends, and not from any regard for the public welfare.

NAME, Lot. Block Harry Daniels 1 for 2 61 Peter Nehrbass 10 57 J.A. Gaesham Fraction 3-4 61 Gertrude M. Peterson 12 58 William Chisholm 11 60

Last edit almost 5 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


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REPORT of Sewer Committee on Harry Daniels et al for Sewer on Depot,

Last edit about 4 years ago by Seattle Municipal Archives
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To The Honorable the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Seattle


We, the undersigned, residents and property owners on Depot Street and Birch streets, do hereby petition your honorable body to extend the sewer from Cedar street along Depot street to Birch street; and thence along Birch street as far as practicable.

We would further represent to you that the sanitary conditions of this vicinty are such as to demand your immediate attention, there being on Birch street alone, thirtynine (39) dwellings built or in course of construction.

Respectfully submitted

NAMES LOT BLOCK Harry Daniels 1 Denny Park 61 E Lockwood 1 59 Lavin & Van Olinda A.L. Kreider C. W. Howe Wm Colson R. G Thirril -over-

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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GENTLEMEN: Your Committee on Sewers

to whom was referred the petition of Harry Daniels etal praying for a sewer from the intersection of Cedar Street and Depot Streets along Cedar Street to Birch Street and thence along Birch Street as far as practicable beg to report that we would recommend that a sewer be laid from said intersection of Cedar Street and Depot Streets along Depot Street to Birch Street, and thence along Birch Street one block to John Street Dated, Nov 15th 1889, F A Twichell Chairman. Harry White Committee.

Last edit over 3 years ago by s.fristrom
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