The Scientific Notebooks of German Orchidologist Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig Kränzlin

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Pages That Mention Golden Queen

[Descriptions of orchid genera] [manuscript], 1880-1908. Manuscript 11

Page 435

Page 435

December 2, 1882.] THE GARDENERS' CHRONICLE. 715

or Tudor style, and without being pretentious, is large, and in admirable accord with the surroundings.

Just on the margin of the ornamental water, and evidently enjoying greatly the abundant moisture for its roots, is a grand cut-leaved Alder, the branches of which spread to a diameter of some 80 feet. Beech, white Poplar, and Elms, are vary fine indeed, whilst shrubs of many kinds, Rhododendrons especially, grow luxuriantly. The bedding display which decorates the lawn in front of the house is marked by gaiety and brightness, yellow Calceolarias, Lobelias, and bedding Pelargoniums thriving and blooming luxuriantly. Seen under the heavy and continuous rain which so sadly marred the pleasure of our visit two combinations stood out as singularly pleasing. One was a mixture of the old silver bedding Pelargonium Lady Plymouth, and a capital blue Viola, well named by Mr. Herrin, the gardener, Chalfont Beauty; the other was Marshal McMahon bronze Pelargonium set in a carpet of dwarf blue Ageratum. This latter gave one of the most pleasing effects we have seen for a long time. A few carpet beds were looking in the rain clean, fresh, and pleasing; their flatness and formality more than recompensed in the ever bright smiles they reflect under dismal weather aspects. It would not be right to pass from the pleasure-grounds without making allusion to the charming appearance presented by the large quadrangular courtyard, round which stand the servants' offices. Here—unwonted sight!—may be seen not only groups of plants in pots, effectively arranged, but also many large plants. Still farther, all available wall space is covered by climbers of some sort, even Vines being used to hide from view some unsightly roofing.

The kitchen gardens adjoin the pleasure-grounds, and are very conveniently placed in reference to the kitchen department. At the farther end, embowered in luxuriant shrubs, stands the gardener's cottage, approached from the park by an independent entrance; behind, however, it opens into a roomy plant-house, from which, on either side, run the fruit-houses. Coming from out this plant-house there is seen on either hand an old-fashioned flower-garden, and from the centre runs right through the kitchen garden a broad pathway bordered on either side by flowers in various forms, and backed by espalier fruit trees, not a few of which seem of considerable age. Some are yet fruitful, but others are well-nigh spent. Existing conditions allow gardening to be done under the reverse of high-pressure. It is of a useful, plodding, satisfying kind, keeping pace with the wants and needs of an establishment that is not exacting. None the less we see evidence of good cultivation all round, and of plenty.

In the vineries were hanging many capital bunches of Grapes; and as not a few readers will perchance regard the condition of a man's Grapes as the highest test of his gardening abilities (a point about which there may be two opinions) it may not be uninteresting to state that Mr. Herrin exhibited not a few of the capital bunches we saw hanging in the Chalfont vineries with excellent results at the Crystal Palace in September last. Amongst kinds not at all common was fruiting a rod of Abercairney Seedling, a fine well-coloured black Grape that seems to be intermediate between Black Hamburgh and Alicante. The berry is rather oval, and of rich brisk flavour that, allied to its evidently good fruiting qualities, should make it a popular variety. Of better known kinds Hamburgh, Alicante, Lady Downe's, and Mrs. Pince's Black Muscat, were all good, the bunches large and well-finished. Golden Queen, also fruiting, was not in such good condition as was Muscat of Alexandria, although these latter Vines had been only recently lifted and replanted with capital results.

Peach-houses newly planted were promising well, the trees making fine growth. Of Strawberries in pots the favoured sorts are Vicomtesse Hericart de Thury, President, and Keens' Seedling. These are in first rate condition.

In plant-houses there is a good collection of useful furnishing stuff, and not a few good specimens; and upon a roof Passiflora racemosa is blooming finely. Mr. Herrin is a successful grower of large-flowered Chrysanthemums for exhibition, and some 250 plants in pots, tall, robust, and carrying, even so early, large plump buds, testify that the conditions of culture which lead to success are being largely complied with. D.

SARRACENIA ALBA.—A specimen of this charming novelty may now be seen in Messrs. Veitch's nursery, Chelsea, bearing three fine ptchers of remarkable size, beautifully variegated towards the top, and nearly 2 feet in length.


FOREST WORK FOR DECEMBER: PLANTING.— The mild open weather that we have experienced during November has been in every way favourable for planting operations, which in most districts should now be in an advanced state. Where the soil consists of stiff clay, or a peat-bog which retains a large quantity of water by capillary attraction, planting had better be deferred till spring, as we have found the antiseptic properties of peat to be very injurious to the roots when allowed to lie for any considerable time on the cold bog before commencing to grow. Drain, pit, and otherwise prepare ground intended for spring planting, also see that the fences are in a good state of repair, so that the inroads of cattle and sheep may be averted, nothing being more injurious to newly planted trees than having their leaders or branches nibbled off by sheep or hares. Where the latter are numerous, it is well to provide against their attacks by the timely use of wire-netting around the plantations, which will also be a guard against rabbits, the ravages of these during severe weather being quite as much to be dreaded as that of either sheep or hares. It is advisable when a home nursery is on the estate, only to lift at one time sufficient plants for a couple of days' work, as by this means the roots never become dry—a matter of much importance for the future welfare of the trees; but, of course, on this a great deal must depend upon the distance the nursery and plantations are apart, as well as on the number of men employed.

THINNING.—The thinning of all hardwood plantations (Oak excepted) should now go on, but however anxious the forester may be to prosecute this work, he will probably have to give way to game preservation. Hedgerow timber should now be grubbed or felled, and cut into convenient lengths, advantage being taken of the first dry frosty weather to have it removed, so that the fields may be as little cut up by cartage as possible. Dead or dying trees on the lawn, pleasureground, or park, may be removed during suitable weather. Prune off all dead branches or those that have become broken by the wind, and either have them carted away or burned. Plantation drives and rides should be gone carefuly over, and any protruding branches cut back so that the sportsman may have an uninterrupted view; also see that rabbits have not undermined the roads, leaving holes alike dangerous to horses or foot passengers. Scour out and deepen plantation drains, leaving them of such a width at the bottom that a spade can be conveniently used in cleaning. Cut new drains where such are needed to remove stagnant surface water, and see that the gratings of all closed drains do not become choked by an accumulation of leaves, which at this season give no little amount of trouble.

NURSERY.—During open weather the transplanting of strong seedlings may be proceeded with, more especially where vacant ground of a suitable quality is at hand. In some cases, however, this is better left over till spring, for, should hard frost succeed, the young plants are apt to get thrown out of the ground, but by a little attention this may to a great extent be averted. Turn compost heaps, and during suitable weather wheel on manures, road-scrapings, lime, &c.; also trench or ridge up vacant patches to receive the full benefit of frosts during winter. It is advisable to have a portion of the nursery under green crop every year, as it not only cleans the ground but leaves it in prime condition for being planted with seedling forest stuff. All seeds recently collected should be examined, especially those in the rot-heap. Collect tree seeds as they become ripe, and have them stored away in a dry and airy situation until required for use.

ROADS.—All roads and drives should now be put in thorough repair, when they will become settled and solid by traffic before spring. In repairing them avoid using boulders, as they are both disagreeable and unsatisfactory. The formation of new roads may also be carried out, in which thorough drainage, a sound bottom, and finely broken surface metalling are the main requisites. Collect leaves on lawns and drives, and have them conveyed at once to the rubbish heap.

HEDGES.—Where not already finished, the trimming of hedges should be prosecuted and speedily brought to a close. Now is a good time to form new hedges or to fill up gaps in old ones by planting young quicks. The ground alongside existing hedges should be cleaned at least once during the season, which will much enhance the value of such fences by promoting strong, healthy growth. The hoe and rake we find best for this purpose. A. D. Webster, Penrhyn Castle, North Wales.

The Herbaceous Border.

HARDY PLANTS AT GRASMERE, BYFLEET.—So much has been said about the pleasure to be derived from the cultivation of hardy herbaceous plants and shrubs that I resolved to pay Mr. Joseph Stevens a visit at this dull season of the year, knowing that his choice collection of over 10,000 distinct species and varieties would afford a fair opportunity of forming a correct opinion. I am bound to say that I was quite unprepared for the treat that was in store for me, as I was under the impression that I had delayed my visit a little too long, and that the recent heavy frost or two must have destroyed everything in the shape of bloom. Such was not the case, however, as a fair sprinkling of flowers remained, and the immense dried stems of Lilies on the edges of the shrubberies needed only to be clothed by the eye to form subjects to wonder at. I never saw anything like the growth of these Lilies. On a single stem of L. Dalmaticum 5 feet in height I counted fifty-two flower-scars, and many of the clumps of L. auratum bore a score of stems each from 6 to 8 feet in height. Other plants exhibit here equally amazing proportions, such as Delphiniums 8 feet in height, with stems as large as a broomstick, and Polygonum cuspidatum 10 feet in height and 12 feet across. Such plants as these, and many others seen in perfection at Grasmere, cause the hardy plantsmen to rave about them so, and well may they be excused.

Years of pleasant care have been given by Mr. Stevens to his hardy plant collection, and their present condition compensates him for his systematic method of labelling, arranging, and proving all the plants of which it is composed. Never is a plant planted without having a neat oval zinc label bearing its number corresponding to that in the book being placed to it. Had this important matter been neglected (as it too often is) a great part of the interest of the collection would have been lost, and quite one- half of the plants would be subjects of doubt and useless speculation, so far as their names go, at various times throughout the year. The plan of the garden is also well conceived; first, near the house, comes the large rockery, then a broad border runs around the lawn and pinetum, supplemented by occasional beds for distinct classes of plants; and another sunk rockery for dwarf plants is constructed at the further end of the garden; add to this the large trial ground, at present containing small specimens of all the rarest Coniferæ, &c., and we have a garden well arranged both for the plants and for those who wish to admire them. Beside the rockery is a bed containing all the varieties of Laurel, many of them being very distinct, the variety Cerasus lusitanica azorica having thick blackish-green leaves; C. camelliæfolia, curious curled foliage; and C. latifolia, resembling the Indiarubber plant in growth more than the common Laurel.

On the rockery we find Bambusa aurea 10 feet in height greener than in summer; B. Ragamowski, broad and solid-looking; B. Maximowiczii, and B. Fortunei, beautifully variegated; a few Hepaticas still in bloom. The evergreen British Ferns, such as the varities of Scolopendrium (one beautifully crimped mass of S. vulgare crispum 3 feet across), Polystichum, Polypodium, Lomaria spicant looking as clean and bright as ever, while Helleborus orientalis, H. abchasicus multiflorus, and many others, had already flowers open, and were somthered with well advanced buds, which will probably receive a check before long as a punishment for their precocity. Still bearing its pretty Marigold-like flowers is Tagetes Parryi, and near it Iberis Pruiti, 2 feet across, covered with pale lilac flowers, and Myosotis elegantissima, beautiful with its coloured leaves. Crowning one of the peaks is a fine purple form of Veronica Andersoni, while still displaying flowers are several varieties of Menziesia, Erica, Calamintha alpina, Alyssum argenteum, A. saxatile, Aster Reevesii and other Asters, Diplopappus Parryi, Veronica spicata, Potentilla colorata with the most brilliant carmine flowers, mule Pinks, and Rubus rosæfolius coronarius.

Noticeable in the rockery for their beautiful foliage are large tufts of Stobea purpurea var. alba, Thymus corsica, T. montana, T. stricta, dwarf Veronicas, patches of Draba, Saxifraga valdensis}Saxifraga Valdensis, Linaria genistifolia, and many other beauties, all looking very happy in their comfortable nooks. The broad border

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