The Scientific Notebooks of German Orchidologist Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig Kränzlin

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Pages That Mention Gen. & sp. Orch.

[Descriptions of orchid genera] [manuscript], 1880-1908. Manuscript 09

Page 254

Page 254

3571. Sarcanthus teretifolius.

Perianthium explanatum. Sep. & pet. subaequalia. Labellum breve calcaratum, 3 lobum, carnosum, cum columna articulatum ; calcare intus 1/2 biloculari. Columna erecta semiteres. Anthera 2-locularis. Pollinia 2, postice lobata, caudicula glandulaque, varius. Herbae epiphytae, caulescentes. Folia disticha, plana vel teretia. Racemi opposetifolu. Flores speciosi. Lindl.

Sarcanthus teretifolius. foliis teretibus, spica simplici horizontali foliis aequali, sepalis petalisque oblongis obtusis reflexis, labelli calcare recto obtuso, intus pubescente in lamina ovata acuta carnosa producto, facie columnae villosa.

Sarc. teretifolius. Lindl. Gen. & sp. Orch. p. 234.

Vanda teretifolia. Lindl. collect. bot. t. 6.

Stem a foot or more high, erect, rounded, green, (except in the oldest parts), flexuose, jointed, sending forth aerial, thick, fibrous roots from the various p arts of their joints and a leaf from the top of each, which is in itself articulated upon the stem, 2 or 4 inches long, cylindrical, flexuose, obtuse. Spike horizontal, and directed towards the opposite side of the stem to that from which it has its origin, bearing 7 or 8 flowers. Sepals & petals spreading. oval, dull green, with reddish lines, the latter the

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