Jane Lathrop Stanford Papers

Pages That Mention Mrs J. R. Hayes

Condolence letters re: death of Leland Stanford: Ga - Gw includes Julia R. Garniss, Grace H. Gilmor, George Goddard, Sarah Vail Gould, Julia D. Grant (Tel.), U.S. Grant, Jr., Anna Guthridge, and Wm. M. Gwin

Untitled Page 75
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Untitled Page 75

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# 936 Mall Ave.

Washington, D. C.

My dear Mrs Stanford:

Will you accept a line of love & sympathy from one who admires you? I too, have suffered, therefore, know how to understand & appreciate your great sorrow. Wish I could make this pen utter the words of love with that warmth & depth of feeling I could speak them, - but when smitten they seem as meaningless & hollow as three words spoken by the "Fashionable Society" at one of your

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know that it beareth this prayer from one. May God in his own way, lead the [sic] to a bright & happy life.

With love & sympathy

Mrs J. R. Hayes

Last edit over 4 years ago by MikeH
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