



Status: Complete

Boom ya Boom Ya Boom
ya ya ya Boom ya
Boom ya Boom ya ya ya
& the marbles would
bounce around because
the wires of the Piano
& they would go jingle
jingle jingle tinkle
tinkle tinkle. Even
the teachers laughed
there are 12 teachers
in the highschool where
it was. 1st period
Miss plough prounouced
plu took out 21 &
The less marbles there were
the more room
their was to bounce
around. it made about
5 times as much noise
but prof finally got
them all out.

Mr. Shaw president
of [Plamira?] collage
spoke this morning

He said that he knew
a young man who
was to write a
story on "The Automobile"
It was to have over
1000 words in it. He
told about his fathers
getting an automobile
& learning how to run
it etc. & that one
day they went
out for a ride.

They went all right
for a while but when
they were about 4
miles from home the
engine got out of
his fathers controal
and ran into a telephone
pole. He said that
he had written 750 words
& he would not write the
other 250 words because

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