
The diaries of Joan Marion Drake (1940-1945) detail six years of the life of a young English school-child during WWII. She was the daughter of a farmer, dutiful to her studies, and she remarks on the war.





3 Thur Quite a cold day. Had a nasty gym lesson. Did geography in my free lesson. Had a french test in afternoon. Did some homework in the evening and some sewing while I listened to the study circle. Ernest was there

4 Fri Did nearly all my maths homework in free lesson. Had a very nice needlework lesson. Very very cold but had to play hockey so kept our coats. Did a little homework in evening and had a bath. Janet put her bottle on the bed without the stopper in.

5 Sat-s.r. 7.34, s.s. 4.55 Helped Mummy all the morning made a cheese pasty and an apple pie. Caught the 1 o'clock bus and walked to the Hospital to see George. Stayed with him about 1 1/2 hours caught the bus home alright. Did homework all the evening.

Where heavy soil exists and facilities for raising plants under the protection of glass are available early Peas and Broad Beans may be sown in boxes for planting out in the open towards the end of March. After germination encourage sturdy growth by admitting plenty of air whenever weather conditions permit.

Last edit over 1 year ago by Theakir



6 Sun-Septuagesima Still very cold. Went to Sunday School in morning and tonight primary. Cycled to Ely in afternoon with Daddy and went to see George. Stayed two hours. Cycled home on my own. My nose bled Did homework in evening.

7 Mon Bills birthday Rather cold. Had a trench drill in morning. Had a very nice science lesson only got about half my French homework done in free lessons. Finished my homework fairly early and then did my part of the Windyridge Weekly. A magazine we are making for George.

8 Tues-Half-Quarter Day Had a letter from George in morning. Did not cook in cookery but had a theory lesson on microorganisation Miss Latimer away so had a free lesson. Had a great time in Geography lesson Did homework all the evening.

9 Wed-Full Moon, 5.29 a.m. Had a very nice science lesson and a nice french lesson. Had three very boring History lessons. Mummy & Daddy went to see George and took him the Windyridge Weekly. Did homework all the evening.

Last edit over 1 year ago by Theakir



10 Thur Very very cold. Snow and sleet in showers at intervals all day. Miss Latimer still away so had a free lesson. Learnt theorems in other free lesson. Had a test in afternoon. Also had a french test. Did homework all the evening.

11 Fri Very cold rained quite a lot during day. Missed our free lesson. Had a nice theory needlework lesson but had a terrific amount of homework. Was too wet to play games so had to have gym Did homework all the evening

12 Sat-s.r. 7.22, s.s. 5.7 Quite a cold day. Helped Mummy in morning and did a little H.W. Janet and I went to see George in afternoon. Met Trevor Dill in bus and walked to hospital with him. Caught bus home alright Did homework in evening.

In gentle heat sow a small quantity of an early maturing Cabbage and Cauliflower, for planting out in April when the plants are well hardened. On a mild hot-bed sow suitable varieties of Carrots, Cabbage Lettuce, Radishes, etc. Sow Broad Beans in the open.

Last edit over 1 year ago by Theakir



13 Sun-Sexagesima Very cold. Went to Sunday School in morning and taught primary. Came home and cooked dinner Went to S. School in afternoon. Wrote English essay in evening. Taffy came in.

14 Mon-S. Valentine Quite cold day. Started to go to school at 8.30 am again Betty Ambrose away from school. Did not have a very nice science lesson. Got my French finished in free lesson. Did home in evening.

15 Tues-Singapore fell, 1942 Nice day. Made oatmeal biscuits and cheese pasties in cookery. 6d. Had quite a nice singing lesson and had netball. Betty Ambrose still away. Got my English homework done

16 Wed Had a nice science lesson doing experiments. Poured with rain nearly all day. Had a very nice history lesson about last war. Did homework in evening and finished Windyridge Weekly.

Last edit over 1 year ago by Theakir



17 Thur-Candlemas Fire Insurance ceases Last Quarter 7.42 a.m. Better day. Had quite a nice gym lesson. Had quite a easy French test. Daddy went to see George and took the W.W. He had just had his plaster off. Did needlework most of evening. Ernest came to bible-study.

18 Fri Very cold. Snow showers at intervals all day. Did trig in my free lesson. Mary Aves helped me. Had a boring needlework lesson and did a bound buttonhole. Had [?] indoor games in the afternoon.

19 Sat-s.r. 7.9, s.s. 5.20 Our half term. Until nest Thursday. Helped Mummy in morning and went to Sutton and did all the errands. Janet & I went to see George in afternoon. Just caught bus back. Finished knitting my socks in evening and listened to a good play on wireless

Make a sowing of Peas and round-seeded Spinach in the open. Place Dahlia tubers in a warm house to provide cuttings. Cold Districts.-Sow Leeks in a cold frame for planting out in June, or early July.

Last edit over 1 year ago by Theakir
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