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2 revisions
jrg at Aug 15, 2023 10:21 PM


Monday November 26th 1849 Throughout this day had strong wind from NNE and squally Ship under all sail Steering SE by E watch variously employed nothing in sight but water Latitude 34..26[?] Long [LONGITUDE] 46.37 Tuesday 27th Commenced with strong wind from NE Ship under all Sail Steering SE by E A ship in sight steering by the wind to the eastward Middle and latter part[S] had light baffling wind all hands employed looking for [???] but found none So ends all well Lat [LATITUDE] 33..50 Long [LONGITUDE] 43..55 Wednesday 28th Commenced calm and plesant [PLEASANT] weather Saw one finback all hands stowing away Lumber and Rigging latter Part had light breeze from South Steering to the eastward by the wind broke out the [???] for butter and Main hatch for water and [???] So goes Lattud by Obs [LATITUDE BY OBDSERVATION] 33..38 Long [LONGITUDE] 43..55 Thursday 29th Commenced light wind from South and dark weather Ship under all sail steer to the Eastward saw A Ship steering W by S Latter part wind and weather the same watch employed filing Cutting geer [GEAR] and other necessary duty So ends all well In Lat [LATITUDE] 33..33 Long [LONGITUDE] 40..50 [NOTE: VARIOUS SCRIBBLING THORUGHT THE MARGINS]

Monday November 26th 1849
Throughout this day had strong wind from NNE and squally Ship under all sail Steering SE by E watch variously employed nothing in sight but water Latitude 34..26[?] Long [LONGITUDE] 46.37

Tuesday 27th Commenced with strong wind from NE Ship under all Sail Steering SE by E A ship in sight steering by the wind to the eastward Middle and latter part[S] had light baffling wind all hands employed looking for [???] but found none So ends all well Lat [LATITUDE] 33..50 Long [LONGITUDE] 43..55

Wednesday 28th Commenced calm and plesant [PLEASANT] weather Saw one finback all hands stowing away Lumber and Rigging latter Part had light breeze from South Steering to the eastward by the wind broke out the [???] for butter and Main hatch for water and [???] So goes Lattud by Obs [LATITUDE BY OBDSERVATION] 33..38 Long [LONGITUDE] 43..55

Thursday 29th Commenced light wind from South and dark weather Ship under all sail steer to the Eastward saw A Ship steering W by S Latter part wind and weather the same watch employed filing Cutting geer [GEAR] and other necessary duty So ends all well In Lat [LATITUDE] 33..33 Long [LONGITUDE] 40..50

