Page 32




Status: Complete

Cruising off the coast
Remarks on board Thursday Novm 25th 1820
These 24 hours begins with fresh gales from SE
with a large sea Middle part & latter part more
moderate at 6 AM set the foresail & move
ship headed S by E at 10 set the topsails saw
some finbacks but no right whales Latt 35.44 so ends

Remarks on board Thursday Novem 24th AD 1820
These 24 hours begins with fine breeses from
SW with a large sea steard off SE by E saw
no whales [] fowls caught one porpoise
Middle & latter parts light breeses from SW
& Soouth SSE sawone right whale chased her
& a plenty of finback steard east Latt 36.44 so ends

Remarks on board Saturday Novm 25th AD 1820
These 24 hours begins with light breeses fron SE
saw a plenty of finbacks at 7PM saw a
number of right whales took in sail & hove to
Middle part fresh breeses from E by North latter
part strong gales from ENE with [] rain
saw 2 an 3 whales at9 AM saw a ship& headed
SEbyE Employed in ship duties so ends []

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