Page 36




Status: Complete

Cruising for right whales
Remarks on board Tuesday December 5th 1820
These 24 hours begins with light breeses from WNW
& pleasant Employed in cutting at 8PM finished
& lighted the tryworks Middle & Latter parts light
breeses & pleasant from NW & North at 9 AM began to
stow in the fore hole saw 2 whales & a ship a
hauling to Leward Employed in hauling & stowing []
down Latt in by Obs 38.30 South dark water

Remarks on board Wednesday December6th AD1820
These 24 hours begins with fresh breeses from SW
at 5 PM finished stowing down 90 bbls in the fore
hole &Middle part fresh breeses Latter part light
wind & cloudy saw whales struck 2 lost line no
Observation Employed in hailing so ends these 24 hrs

Remarks onboard Thursday December 7th AD 1820
These 24 hours begins with light wind from
NNW & cloudy saw whales struck & killed one
at 5 took her alongside & began to cut at
finished & lighted the tryworks Middle part & Latter parts
fresh breeses fro E&SE at 8 AM saw ship to
the westward saw a ship but no whales begins
to stow down in the after hole Latt 38.43

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