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Cruising on the false bank
Remarks on Tuesday December 19th 1820
These 24 hours begin with fresh breeses from North
& pleasant at 8 PM finshed stowing fown
80 bbls in the after hole Middle & latter part
fresh wind from NNW wth small rain saw
nothing Employed in boiling so ens Latt 38.49

Remarks on board Wednesday December 20 AD 1820
These 24 hours begin with fresh gales fro North
& clouday saw nothing Middle part fresh winds
from NW Latter part light wind from ESE
& clouday at 4 PM finished trying at 8 set
fore sail & began to break out the main hole
saw no whales Employed in stowing down [] bbls

Remarks on board Thursday December 21th AD 1820
These 24 hours begins with light winds fro ESE
on the main at 6 PM finish stowing down 87
bbls in the main hole Middle part fresh winds
Employed in ship duties so ens Latt 37.50

Remarks on board Friday December 22 AD 1820
These 24 hours begins with fresh gales from South
with a bad sea saw nothing at 7 [] sail
Middle part light winds from SSW Latter
part light winds from W steard SE saw
nothing Employed in [ ]
cleaning [] a fore topmast []
Latt 37.52 South

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