Page 52
From the false bank to
Remarks on board Sunday February 4th AD 1821
These 24 hours begins with fresh gales from WSW
at 4 more moderate set the foresail at 8 set
the topsail Middle part light winds with a bad
sea at 9 move ship & headed SW by W at 10 blowedown
took in sail & hove to Latter part [] gales
with heavy squalls from SW saw nothing Employed
in ships duties so ends blue water Latt 39.25
Remarks on board Monday February 5th AD 1821
These 24 housrs begins fresh gales fromS[]W headed
West at 2 PM set the main topsail & fore staysail
Middle part fresh gales fro WSW Latter part fresh
gales from WSW at 12 set the foresail saw nothing
Employed in ships duties so ends these 24 hours
saw soe fowls had blue water Latt 38.54
Remarks on board Tuesday February 6th AD 1821
These 24 hours begins with fresh gales fro WSW
at 2 PM took in the foresail Middle part fresh
gales fro WSW Latter part more moderate
set the topsails & steared NW &NNE saw nothing
Employed in ships duties so ends these 24 hours
blue water Lattitude by Observation 38.19
Remarks on board Wednesday February 7th AD 1821
These 24 hours begins with light winds & a bad sea at
4 PM set the mainsail at 6 cut jibboom & reef
topsail at 7 set jib & spanker Middle part light
winds fro West at 10 move ship Latter part
fresh winds from North set all sail & steared
Wby S Employed in ship duties so ends Latt 38.19
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