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5 revisions
Stephen at Sep 08, 2022 01:52 PM


{[Louise Renee de Penencourt, of Queroalle]
Duchess of Portsmouth &c -
her illegitim[ate] son by Charles II - was born 29
July, 1672 and created Duke of Richmond in 1675}

By the Contract of Donation entre=vifs, the
Lady Duchesse of Portsmouth settles
upon the Duke her son,

1. The Barony and Lordship of Chastilwith its
appurtenances and dependencies purchased by the sd Dsse
from the D of Brissac and his Creditors, the 2d of June 1684.

2, The Lands and Lordship of Queroalle with their
dependencies, purchased (with the power of Redemption
to the next of kin) of the Carmelite Nunns near Vannes.

3, The Lordship of Mesnoallet, with its dependencies,
purchasd (with the like Benefitt of Redemption) of [Ainel]
Bedry, the 16 of January 1683. - The sayd Lands
Lordships and their dependencies, scituat and being
within the Bishoprick of Lion in Britagne - without
reserving any part thereof, excepting what is here=
after Expressed.

Constituting this sd D. and his heirs lawfully
begotten, Proprietors of the Premisses, & vesting him in
the Right and Title thereof, - To hold &
Enjoy the same from the day of the death of the sd Dsse
Reserving to herselfe onely the use & Profitt
thereof for her Life, as assignée of the sayd D. who
may not either before or after her death sell, alienate
or Mortgage any part of the sd Lands and Ldships; wch
are to Revert to the sd Dsse without being charged
with any debts or Mortgages by the sd D. in
case he dye without issue.

Giving also and granting irrevocably
all her present & future Goods & Moveables as
also all moveables which she may be hereafter
possessd of in Britagne or Elsewhere, without


{[Louise Renee de Penencourt, of Queroalle]
Duchess of Portsmouth &c -
her illegitim[ate] son by Charles II - was born 29
July, 1672 and created Duke of Richmond in 1675}

By the Contract of Donation entre=vifs, the
Lady Duchesse of Portsmouth settles
upon the Duke her son,

1. The Barony and Lordship of Chastilwith its
appurtenances and dependencies purchased by the sd Dsse
from the D of Brissac and his Creditors, the 2d of June 1684.

2, The Lands and Lordship of Queroalle with their
dependencies, purchased (with the power of Redemption
to the next of kin) of the Carmelite Nunns near Vannes.

3, The Lordship of Mesnoallet, with its dependencies,
purchasd (with the like Benefitt of Redemption) of [Ainel]
Bedry, the 16 of January 1683. - The sayd Lands
Lordships and their dependencies, scituat and being
within the Bishoprick of Lion in Britagne - without
reserving any part thereof, excepting what is here-
after Expressed.

Constituting this sd D. and his heirs lawfully
begotten, Proprietors of the Premisses, & vesting him in
the Right and Title thereof, - To hold &
Enjoy the same from the day of the death of the sd Dsse
Reserving to herselfe onely the use & Profitt
thereof for her Life, as assignée of the sayd D. who
may not either before or after her death sell, alienate
or Mortgage any part of the sd Lands and Ldships; wch
are to Revert to the sd Dsse without being charged
with any debts or Mortgages by the sd D. in
case he dye without issue.

Giving also and granting irrevocably
all her present & future Goods & Moveables as
also all moveables which she may be hereafter
possessd of in Britagne or Elsewhere, without