



Status: Incomplete

An other for the goute: [1.]
Take snayles & put them in a pott [,] [strawe] salte theron, & let it melt well then anoynte the
[place] [grieved] therwth by the fier, & yo[u] finde ease.

For all kynde of aches: 2.
Take a pownde of Sage leabes, a pownde of rewe, halde apownde of wormewoode, [halfe]
a pownde of baye leabes all this [?] [?] [?].

For an ague often [probed]: 3.
Take one penyworthe [of] [?], as musche of aquabite, a penyworth of longe pepper, asmuch
of [sentory?] seedes, a penyworthe of white suger candye. Sett on the fier & let it boyle
well, then let the patient drinke [therof] when he feeles his could Cominge, then let
him lye downe uppon his bedd & [rause] him to sweat, this [must] be [?] [thre] tymed
& it will helpe.

To stoppe the bleedinge a [fatt] & to
heale it: 4.

Take [unsett] leekes, & stampe them wth honey, [&] make aplayster therof & laye it to
the hurte.

To heale asore that is hott: 5.
Take [unsett] leekes, stampe them & strayne them wth [creame], & [anoyht] the Sore [thorwth]
& it will heale.

for heate in the [barke]: 6.
Take a quantitie of frenthe barley, [pitke] it & washe it cleane, & [?] it in morninge
water, lettinge it boyle half an hower, then strayne the barley & put [onto] it
newe barley, & let it boyle [asmuch] then strayne the barley agayne & put [onto] it more
water & let it boyle [of] hafe an hower, then take it & strayne out the barley & set
on the lyquor agayne, & put [?] biolet flowers, & [planten] leabes, this [pappe][coolethe]
the heate

for a [?] or [boarminge]: 7
Take the yellowe mosse [that] grweth uppon the [bowes] of ashe, & [shave] agood [deale]
of it into butter never salted uppon the fier, & let it boyle till it come to a [?],
still stirrringe it that it burne not, then take it off & keepe it for yoe use: [proved].

An Excelent healinge [?] be to Cure all
mannor of [?], fistulaes, [?] [in] the bodye [or] [?] [?].

Take of [Sanicle]

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