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6 revisions
Scarlett at Dec 07, 2022 04:52 PM


A Cordiall for the tremblinge at the harte & to Comfort the Stomake: & [Jhaca] passio:
Take ginger, mace, cloves, nuttmegges, [Cubibes], of eche aquarter of an unce, Sinamon, gallingall, of eche one unce, Redd currall, amber of eche aquarter of an unce, Aniseeds, licoras, carroway seede, sill seede, fenell seede, of eche two unces, make thes in fine powder & searce them, then take the valence shuger half a pounde & so much rose water as will moysten the suger, etthe it on the fier, scume it, & let it boyle untill it come to some thicknes, then take it from the fier & put in all yoryour powders aforesayd, then stirr it wth afayer woode sticke till it be could; then reserve it to yoryour use, & take therof at one tyme, the quantitye of anuttmegge, or hasell nutt as youyou shall neade.

The distillinge of water for Soare eyes, by pearle, prime, webb, lashe, or pricke.
Take of sellandine, herbe grace, betonny, browne fenell, eyebright, redd rose flowers, mayden heare, or as many of thes as you can gett, still of eche alike quantity by them selves, then of eche of the waters stilled a like quantity, & put them together in aglasse, & let the party greaved, lye on half quarter of an hower upright in the morninge, at noone, and at night, & dropp into his eyes at one tyme on or two dropps, & close the eye closse afterwards, & so use it still, & by gods grace it will helpe.

An other pretious water for soore eyes:
Take smalledge, Rewe, verbine, egrimony, bittony, scabious, [Aneans], [houdstrong], ewfracem pimpernell, sage, still all thes together wthwith a little urine of aman child, & fine graynes of frankensence, droppe on dropp every night into the soore eye, & thow shalt be whole, & have sight agayne, by gods helpe.

A pretious water to Clarifie the eyes & to doe away the pearle on the eyes.
Take redd roses, smalledge, Rewe, verbine, mayden heare, enfrace, endive, senegreene, redd fenell, hilwoorte, & celedon half aquarter. washe them cleane & lay them in good white wyne the space of one day, & then distill them the first water wille like gould, the second like silver, the third like balme, keep it in aglasse, for it is as worthy as balme for any soore, & is pretious for ladies, in steade of balme water.

A Surrope good to cleanse the stomake & purge it of roller salt shame & mellancholye.
Take of the Juce of borrage clarified a pinte, put therto seene brused on unce, knitt it at large in alinen clothe, also take ginger brused two drames, of suger, of clarified honney fower unces, of Ruberbe two drames brused, let it seethe untill the third parte be consumed, then streyne it & reserve it in aglasse, once aweeke or afortenight take two sponefulls therof wthwith six sponefulls of this drinke followinge, take of fenell cleane washed & picked one handfull, of Hope half ahandfull, of Ale or beare aquarte, twelve cloves brused, put into clothe alittle suger, boyle this to apinte, streyne it & reserve it to the use above written.

A good medicen for the payne in the head & to put backe humors from the eyes:
Take redd roses, bittany of eche what proportion you will, stampe them smale then put to it the sweete suett of ahogge purely tried wthout slt, the weight og the herbes & some whate more, then stampe them together very smale, put them together into aclose vessell covered the sapce of eight dayes, then boyle them over a softe fier, alwayes sturringe them untill the herbes be parched, then streyne it & wthwith the Juce anoynte the foreheade, & temples, layinge after alinen clothe unto them.

To make a woman be soone deluded if she be in greate extremitye, the childe dead or alive.
Take agood quantity of puer Amber of the best, beat it exceedinge fine to powder, then take it & searce it, throughe a fine peece of lawne, & so drinke it in some brothe or cadell, & it will by gods grace presently helpe.

for the tooth ache very good medicens, & to kill the wormes, & keepe the teethe cleane & sweete:
Take aparte of aclove of garlicke, & put it onto afine peece of lawne, & put it into the Eare on the contrary side wher the payne is. Also take a quantity of white wyne, & asmuche white wyne vineger, then gather the toppes of browne wormewoode & seethe it in the sayd licour, & when it is well sodden take it off & put it into aglasse, & twice or thrice at on tyme gargle yoryour mouthe well therwththerwith, & it will kill the wormes in teeth & take away the payne. Also alittle cleare honey warmed & put into the eare, of the same side the payne is, one dropp will ease the payne.

A good medicen for the Rume distillinge downe the throate, & often causinge payne in the teethe.
Take two handfulls of Hope strippe it from the stalkes, rowle it in abrowne paper somewhat wett, then lay it to roste under embers, untill it be rosted very softe but not bourned, then take it out & laye it uppon alinen clothe & so lay it uppon the moulde of the heade, as hott as may be suffered, & so freshe it thre or fower tymes, lettinge it lye from eveninge till morninge.

To staye a laske of bloody fluxe: –
Take afewe oulde leaves & parche them over the fier in apanne, & then beate them into power, make an Albery of stale Ale & put some of the powder therin, seethe them well together, then lett the patient drinke therof warme & wthwithinin twice drinkinge it shall helpe

An other for the same:
Take Almonds stampe them smale, & boyle them in honey, untill they waxe somewhat blacke, then addinge therunto a little sinamon take therof morninges fastinge. Also if you take Triacle & sinamon beaten into powder, & mingle them together it is very good beinge in the morninge fastinge.

An oyntemente Called popaleon wchwhich is good for all heates, inflamartions, & breakinge out & for heate in the head or backe, or any other membrmember of the bodye: & will cause sleape, if the temples be anoyted therwththerwith
Take of populer leaves at the first shuttinge foorth eyghteene good handfulls, of herbe walter thre handfulls, of petty morell, orpin, sengreene, mandrake, if any be to be gotten, of popye, mercury, beates, plantan leaves, lettice, greate brier leaves, violett leaves, water cresses, mallowes, of each one handfull, stampe them all very smale then put into them the weight of all the herbes, of puer hogges grease wthwithoutout salt, & clearely tryed, then stamp them all together, & put it into afayer pott closely covered the space of ten dayes, then take it forthe the & all sett uppon asofte fier stirringe it untill the herbes begine to pearche, then take it off the fier, streyne it, & reserve it in apott for yoryour use.

To make on sleape a good medicine: –
Tale apinte of milke seethe it & lett it coole, then take the Creame therof & the white of an egge, & alittle womans milke, & alittle rose water, beate them alltogether, & spread it on aclothe, or on flaxe, & so lay it to the fortheade.

A Speciall good medicine for the avoydinge of winde
Take the Juce of Redd fenell, & make possett Ale therewththerwith & drinke therof.

A very good medicen for the winde collicke: –
Take aflinte stone & rast it into the fier untill it be redd hott, then put it out into apott of drinke, & ther will arise agreate foome, let the patient drinke therof.

To make wormewoode water:
Take apownde of wormewood fayer stripped & grosely shredd, put it into agallen pott, & then unto put apottle of good Ale, & of sacke or clarett wyne a pottle, of licoras, of Any seeds of eche brused thre unces, put them all together, stirr them well, & then distill them souftlye.

A good medicen to kill wartes.
Take egremony & stampe it wthwith salte, & lay it to the wartes & wthwithinin fower dayes they wilbe whole gone.

A good medicen for stinkinge nostrells:
Take the Juce of blacke mintes, & the Juce of Rewe of each like quantity, & put it into the nostrells, when you goe to bedd, & it will helpe.

A proved good medicen for the Runinge of the Reynes:
Take alittle plantan water & comfrey roots, alittle [bolice] beaten fine, alittle poungranett pill grated, & a quarte of muskadine, wthwith the pithe of an oxe backe, let it half boyle away, & so drinke of it morninge & eveninge.

for the piles or emiroddes agood medicen.
Take[ Laxery ould & Lard] awhite doggesturde wchwhich wilbe on the topp of a moulehill, seathe it in sallett oyle very [hibe] & so put them upp therwththerwith & it will helpe quicklye.

A good medicen for astinkinge breathe
Take two handfull of comin seede, seethe them in good wyne from apottle to apinte, drinke of it fifteene dayes morninge & eveninge.

A pretious water of all waters good agaynste all poysons & pestilences:
Take Turmentill, scabious, dittony, pimpernell, of each alike quantity, dsitill them all together, philosophers doe say that it is unpossible that any should dye of the pestilence or by poyson, that useth to drinke of this water.

A medicen not only to breake the stone, but to clearely to purge you therof, that you nevere be payned therwththerwth agayne if you use the same daylye:–
Take the Rowes of Redd hearinges, & holly leaves that have prickles, & dry them bothe in an oven & beate them by them selves into powder, & then searce them, & put them together of eche like quantity, then take gromell seede beaten to powdrpowder, half so much as the other two powders & so put them together, they beinge well mixed together, use dayly, agood sponefull therof in adraught of Ale beare, white wyne or remsh wyne, eveninge or morninge, besids you may use the sayd powders in broothes, the oftener the better, it must be kept dry in apott by the fier side.

The operation & effects of divers waters:–
1. Burrage water is good for the stomake, agaynst the collicke & many other diseases in the body.
2. Bittony water is good for hearinge, & agaynst sicknes in the body, for as mustarde is sauce ti meates, so is this to other herbes, & it is also good for dronkennes & poyson.
3. beetewater, sage cowsloppes, & primerose, is good for the palsey.


A Cordiall for the tremblinge at the harte & to Comfort the Stomake: & [Jhaca] passio:
Take ginger, mace, cloves, nuttmegges, [Cubibes], of eche aquarter of an unce, Sinamon, gallingall, of eche one unce, Redd currall, amber of eche aquarter of an unce, Aniseeds, licoras, carroway seede, sill seede, fenell seede, of eche two unces, make thes in fine powder & searce them, then take the valence shuger half a pounde & so much rose water as will moysten the suger, etthe it on the fier, scume it, & let it boyle untill it come to some thicknes, then take it from the fier & put in all yoryour powders aforesayd, then stirr it wth afayer woode sticke till it be could; then reserve it to yoryour use, & take therof at one tyme, the quantitye of anuttmegge, or hasell nutt as youyou shall neade.

The distillinge of water for Soare eyes, by pearle, prime, webb, lashe, or pricke.
Take of sellandine, herbe grace, betonny, browne fenell, eyebright, redd rose flowers, mayden heare, or as many of thes as you can gett, still of eche alike quantity by them selves, then of eche of the waters stilled a like quantity, & put them together in aglasse, & let the party greaved, lye on half quarter of an hower upright in the morninge, at noone, and at night, & dropp into his eyes at one tyme on or two dropps, & close the eye closse afterwards, & so use it still, & by gods grace it will helpe.

An other pretious water for soore eyes:
Take smalledge, Rewe, verbine, egrimony, bittony, scabious, [Aneans], [houdstrong], ewfracem pimpernell, sage, still all thes together wthwith a little urine of aman child, & fine graynes of frankensence, droppe on dropp every night into the soore eye, & thow shalt be whole, & have sight agayne, by gods helpe.

A pretious water to Clarifie the eyes & to doe away the pearle on the eyes.
Take redd roses, smalledge, Rewe, verbine, mayden heare, enfrace, endive, senegreene, redd fenell, hilwoorte, & celedon half aquarter. washe them cleane & lay them in good white wyne the space of one day, & then distill them the first water wille like gould, the second like silver, the third like balme, keep it in aglasse, for it is as worthy as balme for any soore, & is pretious for ladies, in steade of balme water.

A Surrope good to cleanse the stomake & purge it of roller salt shame & mellancholye.
Take of the Juce of borrage clarified a pinte, put therto seene brused on unce, knitt it at large in alinen clothe, also take ginger brused two drames, of suger, of clarified honney fower unces, of Ruberbe two drames brused, let it seethe untill the third parte be consumed, then streyne it & reserve it in aglasse, once aweeke or afortenight take two sponefulls therof wthwith six sponefulls of this drinke followinge, take of fenell cleane washed & picked one handfull, of Hope half ahandfull, of Ale or beare aquarte, twelve cloves brused, put into clothe alittle suger, boyle this to apinte, streyne it & reserve it to the use above written.

A good medicen for the payne in the head & to put backe humors from the eyes:
Take redd roses, bittany of eche what proportion you will, stampe them smale then put to it the sweete suett of ahogge purely tried wthout slt, the weight og the herbes & some whate more, then stampe them together very smale, put them together into aclose vessell covered the sapce of eight dayes, then boyle them over a softe fier, alwayes sturringe them untill the herbes be parched, then streyne it & wthwith the Juce anoynte the foreheade, & temples, layinge after alinen clothe unto them.

To make a woman be soone deluded if she be in greate extremitye, the childe dead or alive.
Take agood quantity of puer Amber of the best, beat it exceedinge fine to powder, then take it & searce it, throughe a fine peece of lawne, & so drinke it in some brothe or cadell, & it will by gods grace presently helpe.

for the tooth ache very good medicens, & to kill the wormes, & keepe the teethe cleane & sweete:
Take aparte of aclove of garlicke, & put it onto afine peece of lawne, & put it into the Eare on the contrary side wher the payne is. Also take a quantity of white wyne, & asmuche white wyne vineger, then gather the toppes of browne wormewoode & seethe it in the sayd licour, & when it is well sodden take it off & put it into aglasse, & twice or thrice at on tyme gargle yoryour mouthe well therwththerwith, & it will kill the wormes in teeth & take away the payne. Also alittle cleare honey warmed & put into the eare, of the same side the payne is, one dropp will ease the payne.

A good medicen for the Rume distillinge downe the throate, & often causinge payne in the teethe.
Take two handfulls of Hope strippe it from the stalkes, rowle it in abrowne paper somewhat wett, then lay it to roste under embers, untill it be rosted very softe but not bourned, then take it out & laye it uppon alinen clothe & so lay it uppon the moulde of the heade, as hott as may be suffered, & so freshe it thre or fower tymes, lettinge it lye from eveninge till morninge.