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2 revisions
Scarlett at Dec 21, 2022 05:01 PM


To make an excelent [pumato]
Take a pownd of fatt bacon & lay it in whitte wine thre dayes together & shifte it every day twishe, when you have done put it on a wooden spitt, & sett under a quarter of a pinte of Rooshe water & let it drope into it untill the water bacon be all consumed, then beate it into thre damaske rooshwaters more, then put into it tooe graynes of Ambergreece finely beaten, & tooe graynes of Camphire, beate all together & keape it for your usse, for the receyte of Excelent pumato.

Good medinins for the eye sight & to drawe backe the humors:
Take Sage & put it betwene tooe whott new tilestones, & let it remayne ther a while then take it out, & put it in a linnen bagge & lay it to the nape of the necke, & change it twise a day:
Take an egge & rost it blew, cut it in the midest plake out the yolke, then fill the place with commine seede beaten & a little grey salte & so lay it whott to the necke:
Olso one droppe of honney dropped into the eye, will healpe it, if it be a pinne or a webbe […] a very safe medicine.
Take olso a little sine manchett & play it in ronninge water & when you goe to bedd, bind it to your eyes & if it will healpe you if you if the payne commeth of heate or that the eyes be whott:
More take a tost of fine leaven breade lay it in clarett or whitte wine untill it be softe, then put it into a cleane cloth & to bedwarde lay it to the eyes, it is very good if the eyes be blood shed or have pusshes in them:

A very good powltes for any swellinge in Ague or ebb: somewhat paynefull but very profitable:
Take crabbe vergis that hath no saulte in it & make a powltes therwith with small offenell, when it is well boyled lay it to the grease & let it lye too XXIIII howers before you sturr it, then if you see [cawple] lay it too as longe agayne: this will not only asswage the swellinge but olso draw out all the reednes & ill humors:

To make an excelent Trett to heale wownds:
Take of wax, of Rossen of each tooe ownces, of Turpentine halfe an ownce, of deere suett tooe ownces, melte thes altogether & it will make a good Trett: if you will have it grene, take samicle, adders tonge, of eche one handfull, stampe them & streyne them into thre other thinges & let it boyle a little while, sturr it untill it be cowld, then make it upp in Rowles for your usse: This will healpe any grene wownde or new soore:

Many good medicins for the tooth ache and to draw away the Rowme:
Take a pece of freashe beafe & thine slice it, then take some whit wine vineger & warme it & put the beafe therin, with a little Commin seede smale beaten, then put all in a cleane clothe & bind it to the hoole of your necke & let it remayne ther a good time & you will finde ease:
2. […] take, [coockelstee] & grinde it betweene tooe trenchers very fine & knitt the flower therof very hard in a fine clothe & lay it to your gumes wher the payne is:
Take wine vineger & boyle the toops of fine Hope therin & usse that very warme to your teeth:
Take the inward barbe of the Elver tree, pepper, baysalte, & the oyle of the oyster shell, beate all thes together & make little coodes therof & lay it to your gumes.
5. Go take the kernell of [Stavesacre] & pepper of the like quantitye sturr this together & put into them alittle butter & make cooles therof as before, mustarde & vineger is olso very good.

A good oyntment for any ache in the body.
Take of pure larde fowr or five pownd, put to it balme, Sage, Bitony, Rue, Camomill, Sothernwood, margerum, melilott, Dill, of each tooe handfuls, cut them smale & boyle them in your larde untill thay be almost dry, then streyne them, & put therunto so many yearbs as you did before. Do this tooe times & so keape it for your usse.

A spetiall Medicine for a Stiche
Take aquarte of ale & clarifye it cleane uppon the fier with [synger] then take the tops of greane brome & boyle it in the ale untill all the strenght of the brome be in it, then streyne it & give it the patiente to drinke warme, then let them be put to bedd & swettem this will healpe the gretest sticke that may be:

To kill a heate within one
Take a quarte of Reed wine & a quarte of good milke, distill them together & drinke that water every morninge fastinge & at nighte last when you goe to bedd & you shall have healpe:

To make Agye Water
Take of Angelica, dragons, wormwoode, selondine, pimpernell, betony, scabious, Egrimony, sage, [time], rosemary, verven, of eache of thes one handfull, lay them to steepe in thre gallonds of white wine tooe dayes & nights, sturr them twise or thrishe a day, then distill them with a gentle fier, take hede it burne not. & so keape it for your usse:

A good medicine for An Ague:
Take of Sage, Rosemary, Verven, Hope, of each one handfull, then stampe all thes together, streyne them & drinke the juce therof with ale blood warme, one hower before the fitte doth come, & let the patiente lye on the bedd & cover him warme, let him usse this but fowre times & he shall have remidy:

To make Balme for a wownde
Take Rosemary flowers & lay them in Sallet oyle, then sonne it & put in Saynt Jhonsworte, & then sonne it agayne, then put in clarett wine & ginger grated, so usse it to wownds & it will heale them:

A good medicine for heate in the face
Take Brimstone never melted & lay it in rosewater, put it in a cloth & lett it uppon the fier & when it is warme washe your face therwith & it will healpe:

A good water for soore eyes
Take a Crowne weyght of 5 Coperes & thre Crowne weyghts of Shuger Candy & thre egges boyled harde the yolkes taken out, then make a hole in the botome & put in the Copresse & Shuger and it will dropp, then take thre dropps of that water & eyght dropps of rosewater & put in your eye

A good drinke for a stiche
Take fenell roots, parsley roots, sobery roots, of each six handfulls greate reysons the stones pulled out, aniseeds, of both one ownce, seeth them all in a pottle of fayer water untill halfe be boyled away then streyne it & [both] it agayne with Shuger a good while, then drinke therof first [plast] warme and it will healpe you:
Toode pawles distilled, the water therof is good for a swellinge:
