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2 revisions
Scarlett at Dec 24, 2022 12:02 PM



Blaunched XIIII in namber, bruse all these seedes wth the water & malmesey myngled
together, drawe the mylke out of them, & put into them the Juise of Lyquoras
or the powder to the weight of VI pence, Drinke of this in the morninge own
in VI dayesL & faste after it two howers:

A good water for the dullnes of the stomacke
& to drive away heavines from the harte:

Take Rosemarye flowers, Borrage flowers, but not so muche as of the Borrage
flowers, the younge budds of sweete margera, the budds of Balme, the yonge basill
mynte, the white mynte, bruse all these & steepe them in Rhenishe wyne & or secke, put
in no more lyquor then will cover the herbes; still it & drinke it fastinge
& an hower before supper:

for a woman in labour before her tyme:
Take a Rose cake & sprinkell it wth aquavite, set it on the fire & let it be very hott,
lay it to the bottome of the bellye:

for the same:
Take a brest of mutton, & breake the bones of it boyle it in Cowe hott mylke, & redd mynt & sawders, & drinke it wth suger warme:

A drinke for a styche:
Take fennell Rootes: parselye rootes, succorye rootes of eache VI handfulls, great reasons
the stones pulled out, and Anyseede of bothe one ownce, seethe them both in a pottell of fayre
water, untill all be halfe be boyled awayre, then strayne it & seethe it wth suger a
good while, drinke therof warme morninge & eveninge.

To kill an inwarde heate:
Take a quarte of red wyne & a quarte of good mylke, still them together, & drinke the
water every morninge fastinge & at night when you goe to bedd & you shall have helpe.

A good medicine for the ague:
Take ahandfull of sage, as muche of Sage Rosemarye & as muche of verven & as much
of Hope, stampe all thes together & take the Juice of it, drinke it wth Ale bloodwarme an
hower before the fitt dothe come, & let the patient lay him on his bedd, & cover him
warme, let him use this but fower tymes & he shall have remedye:

for heate in the face:
Take Brimstone never melted, & lay it in rose water, warme it over the fire, take therof &
washe yor face therwth & it will helpe.

for a brues proved
Take Cowdonge & frye it wth maye butter, & lay it as hott as you can to the place, changinge
it when it is could.

A Poultes for asore brest that is
swollen & lookes redd

Take whey ahandfull of spurge that growes wth longe leaves, shread it & put it into
the whey, a little wheat meale, & boyle it all together wth sheepe shuett, till it be very thicke,
& then spread it in a linen clothe, & lay it as hott as can be suffred on the breast & so drese
it twise aday, & this will breake it drawe it & heale it.

A Poultes to Breake agathering in any place
Take Clarett wyne, & wheaten flower, & boyle it together till it be thicke, then put in alittle
sallett oyle, & lay it to the sore, twise or thrice adaye. –

To make the redd water good for ould sores
& woundes putrified

Take Ashe woode & burne so muche therof in aday or two as will make aheaped pecke of
fine Ashes f sifted, put therto a gallon & ahalf of water or more, so that you make a
gallon of cleane lye, strayne it throughe a canvas clothe, then put to it agallon of [tanwose]
that never was occupied wth any lether, than take half a pownd of madder, & crudble it smale
into the tanwose, & half apownd of roche Allam fine beaten, set it over the fier in apann &
take good heede that is runne not over in seathinge, & so seeth it till it be half wastid, then take
agreat bagg made of Canvas like to an Iporras bagge, & put it into the bagg & hange it hye
from the ground, & let it dropp into an earthen pott, so longe as it will dropp, then put it
into glasses, & washe the sore therwth, & lay ragges, & ould flaxen clothes therin dipped
lewck warme, & so apply it to the Itch or sore.

A surrope for the shortenes of the

Take agood handfull of Hoppe, a handfull of horehownde boyle it in a quarte of water to a
pynte, then streyne it, put in suger to make it pleasaunt, use it eveninge & morninge wth
a lyquoras sticke.

for the same an other
Take ahandfull of folefoote, & boyle it in a pottle of fayre runninge water till half be
consumed, then streyne it & take apynt therof & put therto a pownde of fine suger then
set it on the fire & let it boyle to a surrope, & so give it to the patient wth a lyquoras
stick moreninge & Eveninge.

for one that is broken
Take Comfrey knott grass worte, mayden heare, shreed them, then boyle them in maskadell Raspis
or pleasant red wyne, & put to the boylinge therof Corriander seedes & anyseedes, & streine
it & give it to the patient to drinke morninge & Evening a drafte firste & last by
the space of IXen dayes:

An oyntment for the same:
Take oyle of spike two ownces, of the oyle of exeter one ownce beate them together, & take the
white of an egg beaten into a cleare water the frothe taken away & so use it the first three
dayes, then take the above named herbes, boyle them in sallett oyle from aquarte to a pynte
mingle all together & anoynt the place grieved IXen dayes, you must take the roots & all of the herbes

A Balme for woundes:
Take of oyle olive apottell, of nets foote oyle aquarte, of Rosemary, Valerian leaves, Bramble
leaves, Planten leaves an ay. Turpentine thre peny worthe stampe, stampe all yor
hearbes together then put them into the oyle, boyle them in a chaufron & strayne them
then putt in yor budds of St Johns Worte a handfull, & let it remayne in the lyquor.

A medicen for a woman after she is delived
for the after throwes:

Take agood quantitie of mallowes & frye it wth Butter unsalted, & lay it as hott as she can
suffer it all over her belly betweene two wollen clothes:

for the Collicke in a younge Childe
Take the beardes of unsett leekes & drye it between two tylestones, then beat it into
powder, & put it into a little white wyne, wth alittle sugar, & give it to the childe
to drinke

for wormes in an ould bodye
Take Boxe leaves pownde them, & strayne them into Ale & let the partye drinke it
fastinge thre morninges together.



Blaunched XIIII in namber, bruse all these seedes wth the water & malmesey myngled
together, drawe the mylke out of them, & put into them the Juise of Lyquoras
or the powder to the weight of VI pence, Drinke of this in the morninge own
in VI dayesL & faste after it two howers:

A good water for the dullnes of the stomacke
& to drive away heavines from the harte:

Take Rosemarye flowers, Borrage flowers, but not so muche as of the Borrage
flowers, the younge budds of sweete margera, the budds of Balme, the yonge basill
mynte, the white mynte, bruse all these & steepe them in Rhenishe wyne & or secke, put
in no more lyquor then will cover the herbes; still it & drinke it fastinge
& an hower before supper:

for a woman in labour before her tyme:
Take a Rose cake & sprinkell it wth aquavite, set it on the fire & let it be very hott,
lay it to the bottome of the bellye:

for the same:
Take a brest of mutton, & breake the bones of it boyle it in Cowe hott mylke, & redd mynt & sawders, & drinke it wth suger warme:

A drinke for a styche:
Take fennell Rootes: parselye rootes, succorye rootes of eache VI handfulls, great reasons
the stones pulled out, and Anyseede of bothe one ownce, seethe them both in a pottell of fayre
water, untill all be halfe be boyled awayre, then strayne it & seethe it wth suger a
good while, drinke therof warme morninge & eveninge.

To kill an inwarde heate:
Take a quarte of red wyne & a quarte of good mylke, still them together, & drinke the
water every morninge fastinge & at night when you goe to bedd & you shall have helpe.

A good medicine for the ague:
Take ahandfull of sage, as muche of Sage Rosemarye & as muche of verven & as much
of Hope, stampe all thes together & take the Juice of it, drinke it wth Ale bloodwarme an
hower before the fitt dothe come, & let the patient lay him on his bedd, & cover him
warme, let him use this but fower tymes & he shall have remedye:

for heate in the face:
Take Brimstone never melted, & lay it in rose water, warme it over the fire, take therof &
washe yor face therwth & it will helpe.

for a brues proved
Take Cowdonge & frye it wth maye butter, & lay it as hott as you can to the place, changinge
it when it is could.

A Poultes for asore brest that is
swollen & lookes redd

Take whey ahandfull of spurge that growes wth longe leaves, shread it & put it into
the whey, a little wheat meale, & boyle it all together wth sheepe shuett, till it be very thicke,
& then spread it in a linen clothe, & lay it as hott as can be suffred on the breast & so drese
it twise aday, & this will breake it drawe it & heale it.

A Poultes to Breake agathering in any place
Take Clarett wyne, & wheaten flower, & boyle it together till it be thicke, then put in alittle
sallett oyle, & lay it to the sore, twise or thrice adaye. –

To make the redd water good for ould sores
& woundes putrified

Take Ashe woode & burne so muche therof in aday or two as will make aheaped pecke of
fine Ashes f sifted, put therto a gallon & ahalf of water or more, so that you make a
gallon of cleane lye, strayne it throughe a canvas clothe, then put to it agallon of [tanwose]
that never was occupied wth any lether, than take half a pownd of madder, & crudble it smale
into the tanwose, & half apownd of roche Allam fine beaten, set it over the fier in apann &
take good heede that is runne not over in seathinge, & so seeth it till it be half wastid, then take
agreat bagg made of Canvas like to an Iporras bagge, & put it into the bagg & hange it hye
from the ground, & let it dropp into an earthen pott, so longe as it will dropp, then put it
into glasses, & washe the sore therwth, & lay ragges, & ould flaxen clothes therin dipped
lewck warme, & so apply it to the Itch or sore.

A surrope for the shortenes of the

Take agood handfull of Hoppe, a handfull of horehownde boyle it in a quarte of water to a
pynte, then streyne it, put in suger to make it pleasaunt, use it eveninge & morninge wth
a lyquoras sticke.

for the same an other
Take ahandfull of folefoote, & boyle it in a pottle of fayre runninge water till half be
consumed, then streyne it & take apynt therof & put therto a pownde of fine suger then
set it on the fire & let it boyle to a surrope, & so give it to the patient wth a lyquoras
stick moreninge & Eveninge.

for one that is broken
Take Comfrey knott grass worte, mayden heare, shreed them, then boyle them in maskadell Raspis
or pleasant red wyne, & put to the boylinge therof Corriander seedes & anyseedes, & streine
it & give it to the patient to drinke morninge & Evening a drafte firste & last by
the space of IXen dayes:

An oyntment for the same:
Take oyle of spike two ownces, of the oyle of exeter one ownce beate them together, & take the
white of an egg beaten into a cleare water the frothe taken away & so use it the first three
dayes, then take the above named herbes, boyle them in sallett oyle from aquarte to a pynte
mingle all together & anoynt the place grieved IXen dayes, you must take the roots & all of the herbes

A Balme for woundes:
Take of oyle olive apottell, of nets foote oyle aquarte, of Rosemary, Valerian leaves, Bramble
leaves, Planten leaves an ay. Turpentine thre peny worthe stampe, stampe all yor
hearbes together then put them into the oyle, boyle them in a chaufron & strayne them
then putt in yor budds of St Johns Worte a handfull, & let it remayne in the lyquor.

A medicen for a woman after she is delived
for the after throwes:

Take agood quantitie of mallowes & frye it wth Butter unsalted, & lay it as hott as she can
suffer it all over her belly betweene two wollen clothes:

for the Collicke in a younge Childe
Take the beardes of unsett leekes & drye it between two tylestones, then beat it into
powder, & put it into a little white wyne, wth alittle sugar, & give it to the childe
to drinke

for wormes in an ould bodye
Take Boxe leaves pownde them, & strayne them into Ale & let the partye drinke it
fastinge thre morninges together.