A Recpit for cleaning Tabels
Four penny worth of Alkant Root two penny
wort of Rose Pink a Pint of Cold drawn
Lint feet Oil Mixed in an earthen Pan
Let it stand all Night then rub some of it
over your Tabels with a Lining rag & when
it has lain on all some time rub it off with
a Clean Rag they must be new or plaind
for if they have bin rubd with wax it will
not do
Receipt for Lime Water for
the Stone & Gravel
Burn the Oyster shells very thoroughly
till they Crumble with the touch; weigh
a pound of it, & put it into a Iugg that will
hold 6 quarts of soft boiling water - Stir it well
with a Stick, let it stand 24 hours - Pour it
off Clear & filter it through a thick cloth
& Bottle it - Drink half a pint twice a
day with a Couple of spoonfulls of New Milk
in it - the shells require a Vast deel
of Burning
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