To Make curant wine
take ripe curants and strip them and
mash them with your hands and hang it
in flanell strainers tel it runs as much as
it will Let it rune on shuger a pound to [goton?]
put it in avesel Let it stand 10 days then botel
it do not stop vesel in 2 days tost a hard crust
and spred it with barm and put it in the vesel
strain your liquer in the vesel throw a moslin
A water for a hott Liver
Take a Pottle of butter milke a good handfull of
Honey suckels as much Elder blossoms as much
Temetory as much Planting Still these together
in a cold still and let the parti drinke of
it 5 or 6 spoonfuls in a morning fasting with
a little sugar
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