



Status: Complete

How To dry Apricoks:

Take Apricoks before they be to ripe the cleare
=st without spots and pare them very yin yn give ym
a slit on the side and scald then in watE yn
take halfe the waight of ym in sugar and
make a syrrop for ym & lett ym stand upon ye
warme embers a while heat ym every 3 days
togethE then drayn ym from that syrrup and
make anothE sirrup for ym boyled to a Candy
haight then put ym in and let ym be covered all
over wth sirrup three days then heat ye sirrup
and lay ym out into a stoe to dry a pound requirs
apound & half of sugar;

How to make a Seed=cake:

Take half a peck of fine flowE dryed
well four pound of buttE rubb ym togethE one
ounce of nutmeggs a pint and a half of good ale
yet wh these are well mixed putt in two pound
of carraway comfitts and a little salt the oven
must be ready and pritty hot or else it will not

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