



Status: Complete

How to preserve Creme green Apricoks

Take Apricoks wn ye stones are firm in ym
& Pare them thin yn slitt ym in ye seame &
Putt ym into faire watE the watE most be cold yn
take ym out of ye watE & way ym & take there
waight in fine sugar yn take Apricocks & putt
ym into a scillet of cold watE & cover ym close
& sett ym ovE ye fire and so let ym stand till thay
be scolding hot then take tm of a little while &
sett ym on againe & so doe till they be very greene &
tendE yn take ym out of the watE & lay ym in a
Sylver or Earthen dish strew some sugar on ym yn
take waight of waight for waight in sugar
take a quartE of a pint of watE that ye Apricocks
was scaled in & make a sirrup of it yn putt in
yoE apricoks and boyle ym a little while yn take ym
of the fire & take out all sheare stones & put ym in
ye sirrup againe & boyle ym up 5 or 6 warm times yn
take up yoE Apricoks and lay ym in a broad dish
& boyle yoE sirrup again and put it warme to ye
Apricocks & so lett ym stand all night before your fire
putt ym up you must ad to this AmbE grease or musk
if you please:

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